Potassium+ Series

Food a mixture of sodium salt with potassium salt.

Potassium was not accumulated and reserved in the body, so even a slight deficiency of potassium caused by low potassium in the diet can cause many disorders in the nerve and muscle weakness, decreased reflexes, hypotonia, ileus, polyuria, to retain water in the body.

If you reduce your salt intake and simultaneously increase potassium in the diet, this can have a very beneficial effect on health. This simple strategy can save millions of lives, which annually cause cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and strokes.

It is known that excess of salt increases blood pressure, which in turn increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. The same effect has the lack of potassium.

The world Health Organization (who) hopes to reduce the consumption of salt on the planet by 2025, up to 5-6 grams (1 teaspoon) per 1 person per day. Currently, salt intake in many countries exceed this threshold by at least 30 percent. British experts even believe that 5-6 grams recommended by who, is a lot, and I propose to reduce the salt consumption to 3 grams a day.

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