Pischevik: SOLENA is an innovative product in the food market of Ukraine


All-Ukrainian branch newspaper "Harchovyk" – publication for manufacturers and suppliers of food processing industry. Dogodek "The meat industry" is a bimonthly publication, which publishes articles about new equipment, technologies, innovations for the production of meat products. In the new issue of printed material about useful salt mix SOLENАto your attention the interview with the Director of the company-manufacturer.

SOLENA is an innovative product in the food market of Ukraine

The company "VEND" exhibitions presented salt health SOLENА that interested many visitors. This salt mixture of potassium, trace minerals and low sodium is recommended to consume both adults and children. Potassium not just reduces the concentration of sodium but promotes excretion of excess sodium from the body.

Despite the difficulties and obstacles, we have implemented our startup brought to market an innovative product for a healthy diet – salt, rich in potassium and microelements, – Alexander Romanenko (pictured), Director of the company "Vend". It's hard to do in an economic downturn, but this situation has certain advantages, in particular, obtaining valuable experience. I can say that now the sale of our product are increasing monthly.
We are grateful for the support of the Cherkasy chamber of Commerce and industry, which pointed us in the competition "Under the sign of "mercury" in the nomination "Breakthrough of the year". At the international exhibition "WorldFood Ukraine" the products of our company interested in trade networks from abroad.
Last year we participated in a conference of cardiologists of Ukraine, where he had the opportunity to present 2 thousand specialists information on salt and potassium SOLENA. Now doctors can recommend to patients (patients on hypertension, cardiovascular disease and others) not just to reduce salt intake and increase consumption of potassium, but also to replace the regular food salt for salt SOLENA. Healthy people this salt allows you to bring up to the standard amounts of potassium in the diet to maintain proper metabolism.

– Explain, please, why take the salt mixture, because everything is already accustomed to regular salt?
– We are accustomed to the spices and salt because they make food taste better. And knowing this, we can say that salt enriched with potassium that is helpful. The more that our body needs daily replenishment of potassium. Our salt contains 30% potassium – a mineral necessary for healthy functioning of the body and maintain the acid-base and water-salt balance. Line Soleil SOLENA is a valuable source of magnesium, selenium, chromium, zinc and organic iodine.

Potassium salt food– Tell us more, why add salt to potassium?
– Salt, rich in potassium, makes it possible to reduce the intake of sodium without sacrificing flavor threshold, because potassium is also salty. That is, without changing food habits, we, first, reduce the intake of sodium in the body.
Second, replace excess sodium potassium. Thirdly, compensate the deficiency of some trace elements contained in our enriched salt. People with cardiovascular diseases, first of all, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of salt, or rather sodium, but to consume more potassium, because sodium helps to detain in the body fluid that leads to heart failure. And potassium moves fluid, so doctors recommend that patients increase your intake of potassium. So salt with low in sodium and rich in potassium improves the body's condition in cardiovascular diseases and will become an excellent prevention of these diseases.

– So what's the innovation of this product?
– In European countries since olden times, salt is produced with the addition of potassium. In Ukraine, we have become this one of the first. Our next step ahead of the achievements of world manufacturers: the basis of salt and potassium, we enriched it with concentrate of kelp, trace elements in boostup form (by the way, Ukrainian production). This is the innovativeness of the product. Trace elements necessary for the formation of enzymes, which are catalysts of chemical processes occurring in our body.

Certified this product?
– Technical specifications were developed by the specialists of Scientific research Institute of nanobiotechnologies. The actual certification of this salt was carried out at the Institute of food hygiene and the Ministry of health has prepared a sanitary-hygienic conclusions and agreed on the release of this product.

– Over the plan to run in 2017?
– Negotiations continue the company's executives with representatives of trading networks. And I have confidence that our product will appear in many cities of Ukraine. After all, we go to Europe, and there salt with low in sodium and rich in potassium is available in all major retail chains. The main task we see in broad outreach to familiarize the public with a useful alternative to conventional salt. I am convinced that our salt enriched with potassium and micronutrients that will help people to keep health. Also in the new year we plan to bring to market new products.

By Marjana Jakymiv

Salt will help reduce sodium salt intake to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet. SOLENA low sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt)salt solena Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses