Hypertension, extent and risks

People suffering high blood pressuremust know such term as hypertension. You should be aware of symptoms and regular gipertoniceski kriza doctors. The frequent jumps in pressure can lead to the development of chronic diseases, which, in turn, be the cause of the attack and hospitalization. But the question is why would allow the case to hospital bed? It is advisable to keep on controlling this serious and dangerous disease.

While in the post-Soviet countries people more often than not, are irresponsibly towards their health, and statistics unaware of their diagnosis of less than 50% of people with the disease and treated less. And what to say, what really effective treatment for less than 17%salt solena

Hypertension, extent and risks

Hypertension or hypertension?

Many may confuse hypertension hypertensive. Both cases are accompanied by high blood pressure, but when the diagnosis of hypertension implies permanent incurable disease that could only be countered. Hypertension is usually accompanies pathology, such as, for example, cardiac and renal failure, shall be symptomatic, in which pressure reaches 140 and 90 units.

Development of hypertensionWhat are the causes of such diseases? Hypertension itself is a symptom of serious diseases. For example, atherosclerosis of renal pathology, vascular system. The main reasons it is difficult to determine in a particular case. It could be genetics, lifestyle, psychological condition and age-related changes, ecology and more.

The disease will progress at a negative human mental and physical health, regular stress, nervous shocks. This could include such diagnoses as: diabetes, heart attacks and strokes, endocrine disorders, obesity and other. Also in the Group greater risk include: elderly people, people with a passive way of life and the existence of bad habits, women (they are more prone to hypertension), exposure to toxic substances, an overabundance of salt in the diet and more.

Classification of hypertension is necessary to determine the severity of the disease, treatment and possible consequences. There is a certain degree of hypertension. Below is the classification of hypertension Korotkov method. The degree of hypertension blood pressure categories and different share categories such as:

  • optimal arterial pressure;
  • normal arterial pressure;
  • high-normal;
  • arterial hypertension 1 degree;
  • arterial hypertension 2 degree;
  • arterial hypertension 3 degree;
  • arterial hypertension 4 degree or ISAG (isolated systolic hypertension).

Arterial pressure

Hypertension by ICD

International classification of diseases (ICD) most accurately identify deviation from normal blood pressure. Hypertension in ICD code includes not only the disease, but also stage and extent. The disease is dangerous to many complications. Hypertension, ICD-10 has a large list of conditions leading to this disease. It is based on the severity of the disease, risks passing diseases and abnormalities of human biological age.

To more accurately determine the pathology of elevated blood pressure treat upper and lower pressure indicators. Arterial hypertension, ICD 10 is included in the section "Disease, to characterise the increased blood pressure» code 10-15. Arterial hypertension of the ICD 10 code is a constant prolonged increased pressure at which the level of systolic arterial pressure, equal to or more than 140 mm Hg and/or diastolic level arterial pressure, equal to or more than 90 mm Hg, in people who do not receive antihypertensive drugs. This group of very extensive separately here examines the increase in pressure during pregnancy, neonatal pathology and diseases of the coronary vessels.
Unique code ICD hypertension denotes types of diseases accompanied hypertensive crisis and other disorders at the critical pressure.

Hypertension degree, the risks

The extent and risks of hypertension

Hypertension 1 degree

Hypertension risks

Hypertension 1 degree - this is an increase in pressure values ​​at which the patient feels discomfort, pain in the head section, nausea and increased heartbeat. This is the easiest form, but it is not immediately possible to diagnose it. Blood pressure indicators 140-160 / 90-120 mm Hg. Art. should already alert the person and force to go to the hospital. All diseases detected at an early stage, give a greater likelihood of maximum recovery.

  • Arterial hypertension 1 degree, risk 1

    At the easy level 1 risk observed changes in 15% of cases. Although this is the easiest form, still requires prompt treatment. Nausea, pain in the head and high temperatures need to regularly monitor blood pressure readings, write performance and maintain momentum. Immediately turn to specialists and to stabilize the patient's condition. Then get an appointment for treatment. Sometimes enough recommendations for lifestyle changes.

  • Arterial hypertension 1 degree, risk 2

    This stage is considered a pathology. So after the patient was diagnosed with Hypertensiona person can survive and these manifestations, such as heart attack or stroke. The symptoms in this case, the effects are more pronounced. Blurred vision, buzzing in your ears, swelling, pain in the neck and lower back. This stage is also treated, the main thing in time to diagnose.

  • Arterial hypertension 1 degree, risk 3

    This is already a serious diagnosis and treatment need to begin immediately. You want to immediately eliminate all factors that can trigger a heart attack. To refer to a good specialist for complete examination and selection of the desired treatment.
    Correctly chosen treatment will help relieve symptoms, and prevent complications of the disease go to another degree.

  • Arterial hypertension 1 degree risk 4

    Severe dizziness, pain in the spinal Division, problems with vision, fever and vomiting are all symptoms of the most serious stage of hypertension in the first degree. There is a possibility of complications in the form of a heart attack. To avoid a heart attack or death there is an urgent need to pass inspection, put the exact and correct diagnosis and find the cure!

Arterial hypertension 2 degree

Hypertension risksDisease accompanied by pressure 160-180/100-110 mmHg. Church.
Normal pressure in the patient almost does not occur very often rises and stays long.
Share the benign and malignant hypertension. That's when malignant disease develops quickly and often leads to death.

With hypertension 2 degree, in addition to constant high blood pressure, there are swelling, blood vessels on the skin, throbbing pain in the temples and nape, work harder even at very low loads, noise in the auricles, problems with vision and memory.

Risks complicate the course of illness, and may cause it. Several factors are taken into account:

  • health problems;
  • disruption of the brain;
  • injury to internal organs.

In addition, as mentioned above, complicating factors such as age, smoking, high cholesterol, genetics, obesity, lifestyle, etc.

    • Arterial hypertension 2 degree, risk 1

      The risk of first degree — the forecast favorable, complications of the disease most likely no (in 15% of cases can be amazed by the authorities).

    • Arterial hypertension 2 degree, risk 2

      Hypertension degree 2 risk 2, while a person may be, of the following list will only 1-2 item. In this case, complications can occur in 20% of cases during the first 10 years.

    • Arterial hypertension 2 degree, risk 3

      3 risk appears from at least 3 factors, and complications can be in 30% of cases.

    • Arterial hypertension 2 degree, risk 4

      Hypertension risk 4 adverse forecast defeat in bodies such as the heart, brain, kidneys, already at more than 30% of patients.

Complications are very common with hypertension 2 degree and 2 risk, then most likely the person cares only increased the pressure. And with obesity will increase the likelihood of complications. If you have a third risk, here is already likely to accompany diabetes, arteriosclerosis and other complications. If this person is already assigned a disability.

If the patient has already moved 1-2 stroke and still have a list of diseases, the diagnosis has already been put at risk 4.

Hypertension 3 degree

Hypertension risksFor this stage of hypertension characterized pronounced symptoms.
For example, the pain in my head especially painful in the morning can be blunt with vomiting, pain in the eye Department, temporal and vertebral parts. Dizziness and periods in the eyes, ear noises there constantly, heart pain, shortness of breath and even panic.

Uncomfortable to lie down and sleep on your left side. There is also a general weakness, numbness, memory problems and vision. Suffers a large part of the bodies.
Risk factors hypertension 3 degree means that figures in the patient 180/110 pressure and above constantly. Unless lower values have been declining amid high top, it said the weakness of the heart.

To assign a risk classification of treatment, as in hypertension 2 degree. But in hypertensive disease degree 3 only possible arterial hypertension risk degree 3 3 and arterial hypertension risk 4. 50% of patients have a thickening of the heart muscle, the kidneys become less tissue becomes scar the walls of blood vessels, plotnejut and suffered atherosclerosis.