National Congress of cardiologists of Ukraine

Национальный конгресс кардиологов Украины 3

21-23 September 2016 at the NSC “Olimpiyskiy” will host the XVII national Congress of cardiologists of Ukraine one of the most anticipated events among the specialists of the cardiology and cardiac surgery.

The event is organized by the state institution "national scientific centre "Institute of cardiology named after academician M. D. Strazhesko".

The Congress is expected to involve about 2,000 professionals, including those from Ukraine, Belarus, France, Germany, Czech Republic, USA, Italy, UK, Greece and Spain.

The Congress participants will be able to see the innovative product, made in Ukraine – food with salt Potassium и микроэлементами торговой марки SOLENA.
The replacement of pure salt in salt SOLENA will lead to normal consumption of sodium and potassium, which is especially important when the disease of hypertension and other
болезнями сердечно-сосудистой системы. Также соль SOLENA с добавкой калия вместо натрия, с неизменным соленым вкусом, необходима взрослым и детям для здорового питания и профилактики сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний.

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