Certificate of participation in the European programme East Invest

Сертификат участника европейской программы East Invest 1

IMG_6857With the features of the production and promotion of products in the European markets observed during the study visit to Belgium in the framework of the East Invest programme, the Director of the production company "Vend" Alexander Romanenko. This company produces a unique for Ukraine product Sol SOLENA for a healthy diet with Potassium and low sodium.

Participants of the delegation were introduced to the procedure of entry of goods into the European market, the peculiarities of logistics, production requirements, and also demonstrated the active production of two Belgian companies.

The head of the enterprise participated in several seminars devoted to the import of products, the use of modern technology in food processing, logistics, which is confirmed by appropriate now scertificate. The plan of the visit also included visits to major exhibitions held in the country at this time.

"It was interesting to see the process from the inside: the conditions in which people work, as clean and microclimate, as are products and the implementation of technologies and standards. It became clear why they have such requirements to the goods. Because if the roots should be 10 cm, not more and not less. And also to calibrate the tomatoes and other products", – told the portal "Business region" Director of PE "Vend" Alexander Romanenko.

IMG_7003On one of the shows featured modern packaging designs that have attracted the attention of Ukrainian entrepreneurs.

"We took samples of the packaging. And plan to use later in their work. This is packaging for salt special form", – said A. Romanenko.

During a visit to the shops the head of the company noticed that on the shelves of Europe there is a variety of healthy salt mixtures of potassium and low sodium of different manufacturers. In Ukraine such useful salt while releasing only the company "Vend".

Delegatie-Oekraine-20160920_018"Most products like ours is 30% of the sodium salt replaced by a potassium. But there is a salt and with different proportions: 70% potassium chloride and 30% sodium chloride. And we are already preparing the documentation and recipes for manufacturing of such salts"– said Alexander Romanenko.

Therefore, the main achievements of the Belgian visit was to familiarize with current trends in the field of packaging products and ideas for production of new products.

Study trip to Belgium was organized by Donetsk chamber of Commerce jointly with the Federation of Belgian chambers of Commerce and industry and chamber of Commerce of Brussels and of Antwerp in the framework of the project East Invest.

Salt will help reduce sodium salt intake to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet. SOLENA low sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt)salt solena Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses