"Business Region": Salt with potassium – innovative product on the Ukrainian market

Соль с калием и микроэлементами

Salt with potassium SOLENATo summarize 2016 and to outline the prospects of the business in 2017, the portal "Business region" addressed to the heads of the leading enterprises of the region. On the question of the portal meets the Director of "Vend" Alexander Romanenko.

– Alexander Trofimovich, you have a chance in 2016 and began to market a new product. Are you satisfied with the result? How did you accomplished last year?

– In spite of everything, we realized our start-up, brought to market an innovative product for healthy eating salt, rich in potassium and microelements. It is difficult to do in conditions of economic decline, but there are also pluses, in particular, valuable experience. We went on a few large retail chains of Ukraine. We now have every month increased sales.

We are grateful for the support of the Cherkasy chamber of Commerce and industry, which pointed us in the contest "Under the sign of "mercury" in the nomination "Breakthrough of the year". At the international exhibition "WorldFood Ukraine" the products of our company interested in trade networks from abroad.

Also in 2016, we took part in conference of cardiologists of Ukraine where had the opportunity to present to two thousand specialists information of salt c potassium SOLENA. Physicians may advise patients to not just reduce the use of salt and increase your intake of potassium, and to replace common salt in salt with potassium SOLENA. Healthy people this salt will help to bring to normal level of potassium in the diet to support a healthy metabolism. In our information campaign we supported the all-Ukrainian public Association "anti-hypertension".

Thus, we managed to create a solid Foundation for development in the new year.

– What are your expectations and goals in 2017?

– We are negotiating with retail chains both in Ukraine and abroad. And I have confidence that our product will appear in many cities of Ukraine, will become available to more people. Its main task we see in the broad information on useful alternatives to conventional salt. I am sure that our salt, rich in potassium and microelementswill help to preserve the health, and someone even lives, especially people who have high blood pressure.

Also in the new year we plan to bring to market new products, not only salt, but we will tell about them later.

Salt will help reduce sodium salt intake to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet. SOLENA low sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt)salt solena Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses