The Ukrainian government has adopted a plan to reduce salt in food by 30%

В Украине на высшем уровне признали проблему высокой смертности от избытка соли

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 26.07.2018 №530-p approved The National Action Plan for the prevention of noncommunicable diseases. One of the priorities of the approved Plan is to reduce salt consumption by 30%. It also approved the continued participation of Ukraine in the European Action Network for the Reduction of Salt Consumption (ESAN).

To achieve reduction of salt in the diet of the government plans to help improve the Ukrainian legislation with international experience ban on advertising that encourages the purchase of foods containing large amounts of salt (and sugar, fats, and trans fats).

According to the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers set the ministries of health problem, agricultural policy and economic development to prepare for the adoption of laws on the labeling of products to inform consumers on the exact number of components in foods, including - salt, an excess of which can negatively affect health.

The National Action Plan to combat non-communicable diseases including holding of general meetings with food manufacturers on reducing salt, sugar and fat, with recommendations for technology replacement and production recipes.

Relying on proven international solution to the problem of excessive salt consumption in Ukraine could become a replacement of common salt in the salt on foods with low sodium and additives Potassium and microelements.

Such requirements are met SOLENA salt, which has for years produced and sold in Ukraine in the national retail chains, supermarkets and convenience stores.

This salt is designed specifically for people who prefer a healthy lifestyle. SOLENA contains 30% less sodium than common salt, by adding a potassium salt. Also in a number of SOLENA salt is a salt of a mixture of scarce micronutrients in bioavailable form such as magnesium, selenium, iodine, chromium, zinc. The salinity of this salt is no different from ordinary, pure sodium salt.

Salt will help reduce sodium salt intake to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet. SOLENA low sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt)salt solena Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses