Hypertension under control. What diet normalizes blood pressure?

Гипертония и повышение артериального давления

Hypertension - high blood pressure Hypertension требует правильно скорректированного питания. Ограничения в потреблении соли полезны для всех, но особенно необходима диета с пониженным содержание соли для гипертоников. Снижение количества потребления соленых продуктов, маринадов, а также колбасно-сосисочных изделий, изобилующих солью, поможет держать опасный недуг под контролем. По статистическим данным выявлено, что более 70% летальных исходов приходится на заболевания сердечно-сосудистой системы.

Hypertension: why excess salt so harmful?

Salt is a major player in electrolyte metabolism in the body. Its consumption ensures the production of essential enzymes and intake of sodium in the body. Among the deficiencies of this important mineral when it of increased consumption – the attraction and retention of fluid in the body, which accumulates in the blood, thereby increasing its volume, but also in tissues and organs. This entails an increase in domestic of endothelium in the intima of the artery, thereby decreasing its clearance.

As a result, improvement is carried out and blood pressure hypertension, becose for damaged endothelial wall, in the so-called "holes", into the vessels enter: bad cholesterol contained in lipoproteins are very low and low density, platelets, etc., which, under the bloodstream clog damage and form.. atherosclerotic plaques, leading to various pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Diet for hypertensionIn consequence, the following changes occur in the body:

  • disturbed fluid balance;
  • significantly increases the load on the kidneys, eventually draining antihypertensive system;
  • the heart begins to work in emergency mode, increases the strength of cardiac output and, therefore, blood pressure;
  • concentration Potassium in the body decreases - Sodium begins to "displace" it from the cells.

Potassium is an essential element for the heart, it also allows you to keep the tone of smooth muscles of blood vessels, reducing their contraction. With sufficient supply of potassium to the organism, we stimulated cardiac contractility.

How to replace salt in the diet for hypertension?

Hypertension requires compliance with only salt restrictions, not complete elimination for the body of income NaCL. Not to deprive yourself of pleasure to eat a normal meal, it is better to use special salt with low in sodium and potassium additives. It absolutely does not affect the taste – it's all in the balance of minerals!

Salt"Correct," Salt, you can:

  • provide the body with potassium and sodium in an amount balanced;
  • implement the recommendations of the treating physician to reduce the consumption of salt;
  • get pleasure from the taste of your favorite dishes.

It can be used as well as cookery - seasoning food or prepared isotonic solutions for athletes.
Consumption of this salt is useful not only for hypertension. The middle-aged and older, have problems with kidneys or cardiovascular system, it is also recommended to switch to a lightweight version of the condiment. This salt is useful for the whole family as a reliable prevention of hypertension!

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