Isotonic in sports nutrition. Recovery of body after workouts

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Isotonic is a special solutions containing certain salts and sugars. They are used extensively in sports nutrition to restore the electrolytic balance of the body, and similar to the action of rehydratation. For athletes, isotonic release is ready, fortified with vitamins or minerals, with different flavors. The basic elements of Sotnikov are structural minerals sodium and PotassiumWho loses a large number of organisms in sporting activities.
However, you can prepare isotonic independently.

Why use isotonic in sports nutrition?

During intense workouts people lose a lot of fluids in form of sweat. And the more load the greater the losses.
Isotonic drinks allow bring the acid-alkaline balance of an athlete to normal, restoring the necessary supply of electrolyte and fluid levels in the body after exercise and active sweating.

What can cause a lack of sodium and potassium in the body?

Without full recovery of bred with the sweat from the body salts and trace elements can disrupt the balance of acids and alkalis. This leads to the occurrence of acidosis may General intoxication.
sodium and potassium losses lead to disturbances in the heart, adversely affect the operation of the whole muscular system.

Isotonic presented a variety of beverages, which are:

· A common basis - sodium salt, potassium salt, sugar, supports energy balance;
· Potassium, magnesium and calcium - electrolytes, which regulate the osmotic pressure of blood;
· Further additives in the form of vitamins, amino acids, etc .;
· Flavoring.

The preparation of isotonic at home

Isotonic you can buy ready, but you should consider its price category. Isotonic drink you can prepare yourself at home using fairly simple recipes. The main thing – is necessary to prepare a basic electrolyte solution.

The base mixture may be ready to use a salt mixture Solena (a mixture of sodium and potassium salts, enriched in trace elements).
Further, in the base isotonic solution that restores the body's electrolytes, add fresh orange, berry juice or other flavoring and vitamin supplements. Video cooking izotonica at home watching In here.

A balanced composition of salts Solena, developed at the Kiev Institute of nanobiotechnology, the satellite centre of UNESCO, nourishes the body with essential for muscle, blood and nervous system elements. The amount of sodium in Solena is reduced, so it is ideal for sports nutrition people who need to limit salt intake for health reasons.
In Solena salt assortment there potassium and sodium as a mixture with 30% potassium salt, and with an iodine deficient in nutrition, magnesium, selenium, chromium, zinc and other micronutrients in citrated easily digestible form.
Solena salt with potassium and trace elements can be used for the preparation of isotonic and for a healthy diet of athletes.

Reduce the intake of sodium salt to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet will help salt SOLENA low in sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt). Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses