How to normalize high blood pressure without drugs?


How to normalize high pressure without medication – available told in the popular show about health.
If you occasionally jumps blood pressure, doctors recommend to follow three rules.

Three rules

Treatment of hypertension

  1. Add to your diet more foods containing vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) peanuts, sea fish, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms.
  2. Less sodium, more Potassium. Sodium salt retards the fluid in the body, and when the surplus increases the load on the vessels than raises blood pressure. Replace regular salt or potassium salt food such as salt SOLENA. Because potassium-sodium antagonist. Potassium displays excess sodium out of the body, and to maintain salt balance in the body should come with food every day.
  3. At least once a week visit a sauna.

Such secrets high blood pressure without pills revealed clear viewers the creators of the show.

Reduce the intake of sodium salt to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet will help salt SOLENA low in sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt). Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses