How easy it is to reduce salt consumption

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Salt with potassium SOLENAEvery Ukrainian daily consumes 10-15 grams of salt. It's catastrophic figures, say doctors. After all, according to who recommendations, the dose of salt should not exceed 5 grams. Among European countries, this consumption is preserved only in Cyprus.

"Salt belongs to the crucial factors that cause hypertension, strokes, heart attacks, stomach cancer or osteoporosis. So it is possible – and even necessary – to sound the alarm, warning consumers that salt is not our ally, but quiet and insidious killer", says Professor Miroslav Jaros, Director of the Institute Products and Food in Poland.

The main danger of salt is that it contains a lot of sodium, which accumulates in the body and destroys it. However, salt is most difficult due to the prevailing food habits.

Salt with potassium, magnesium and seleniumCherkasy activist and entrepreneur Alexander Romanenko offers an alternative – salt with low sodium content and enriched Potassiumas well as other beneficial trace elements – magnesium, selenium, chromium, zinc, iodine. About it writes the Internet-the portal Business Regionsalt solena

"Potassium, which is usually lacking in the diet, necessary for work of the heart and blood vessels. We have also enriched our salt mix SOLENA rare trace elements, which is so often lacking. Thanks to this product you can reduce the harmful consumption of salt by one third. While not changing their food preferences and taste of your favorite dishes. Because the composition of the salt mixture 30% of the sodium replaced with potassium salt", – said the Director of RCE "Vend" Alexander Romanenko.

Salt (sodium chloride) is present in almost every dish, most semi-finished and finished products. From them we get 40 to 80 percent of the sodium. But if salt is added when cooking and at the table delivani from 20 to 60 percent. Therefore it is better to eat at home.

Sea salt with potassium and kelpReducing salt intake to 6 grams per day, can reduce the number of heart attacks by 24 percent and heart attacks at 18 percent.

As shown by the experience of Finland, a reduction of salt intake from 15 g to 9g a day helped reduce mortality from cardiovascular disease in 7 times and the increase in life expectancy of 13 years.

To achieve these results, the Finns also helped salt reducing sodium and rich in potassium, manufactured in Finland since 1972.

So, the replacement of conventional salts for salt with reduced sodium content and enriched with potassium gives hope to maintain your health for many years.

Salt will help reduce sodium salt intake to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet. SOLENA low sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt)salt solena Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses