Caution - salt

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Every year in the world 2.3 million people die from excess salt intake. In Ukraine, every day about 1,000 people died, 300 of them - due to excess salt intake- more precisely, Sodiumpresent in it in large amounts.

Insights from numerous studies suggests that consumption of the sodium salt of the average Ukrainian permissible limits 3 times. The excess of salt has a negative impact, primarily on the cardiovascular system and kidneys. High mortality from disease developing from excess salt in the diet, observed in Ukraine for many years.

Causes of high salt intake

Nutritionist Oleg Shvets explains that a high intake of salt (sodium) in Ukraine remains largely due to the fact that people rarely choose a healthy diet. However, their children grow up, svegas with the taste preferences of parents who love salty – says nutritionist.

Our table is crowded with products with a high content of salt is not only various pickles, sausages, cheeses, even breads. In addition, people add an excessive amount of salt during cooking. As a result, the sodium that enters the body, significantly exceeds the permissible limits.

Who is guilty?

The state recognizes the level of salt intake for the Ukrainian nation is detrimental, and the number of related cardiovascular diseases catastrophic. The state is not engaged in the fight against excess salt to preserve the health and life of the population. Ukrainians are not informed of the health risks of high salt content in food. But business in Ukraine is not interested to produce healthy foods with reduced salt content, as it is the cheapest preservative, increasing the shelf life of products and reduce the price of production.

Examples of other countries

There are many examples of struggle against excess salt in the diet have a positive impact on public health.

In the UK and Austria, for example, community activists were able to get the association of bakers gradually reduce the amount of salt in baked goods.

The court in United States was on the side of physicians of new York ordered restaurants to warn customers about the contents in the dish more than 2.3 g of salt, since excess sodium intake is associated with increased risk for patients with hypertension, diabetes or kidney disease.

But most of all to achieve positive dynamics in the fight against excess salt and reduce mortality from it has been Finland. Thanks to the timely implementation of the programme of save the population "North Karelia», the average length of life of Finns has increased by 13 years, and mortality from cardiovascular disease was reduced by seven times. This program works from the seventies of the last century; an important part of it is dedicated to the fight against excess salt in the diet, including by replacing salt with more beneficial – with Potassium and low sodium.

Is there a chance for Ukraine?

While hardly the state will be engaged in a matter of saving the population from excessive salt intake.

Everyone is responsible for his life and must show an interest in the preservation of health, limiting sodium intake, the primary source of which is the common salt.

Today, it is produced in Ukraine common salt with potassium and reduced sodium content SOLENA. With the help of such salts is possible not only to reduce by one third in sodium intake, as did the Finns, but also to compensate in the body of potassium. Because potassium is an antagonist of sodium.

Take care of your health, choose the right foods to visiting doctors only to prevent!

Salt will help reduce sodium salt intake to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet. SOLENA low sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt)salt solena Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses