In June 2024, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine approved the Evidence-Based Clinical Guidelines, and in September 2024, the Unified Clinical Protocol for Primary and Specialized Medical Care Related to Hypertension (Arterial Hypertension).
These documents are extremely relevant, since cardiovascular diseases (CVD) remain the leading cause of death in Ukraine. Every year, people die from CVDs in Ukraine 400-450 thousand people, which makes our country a leader in Europe in this indicator over the past 10 years. Hypertension is a major risk factor for the development of CVD, in particular stroke and heart attack. Therefore, the approval of new recommendations is aimed at reducing mortality and increasing life expectancy of Ukrainians.
according to a study STEPS 2019, the average level of consumption of sodium salt by Ukrainians is 12.6 g per day, which is 2.5 times higher than the recommended norm of 5 g. At the same time, potassium consumption is only 2.5 g per day, while the optimal level is 3, 3, 5 g. Violation of the balance of consumption of sodium and potassium significantly increases the risk of hypertension and CVD.
International experience: lessons from Finland
An example of the effectiveness of such changes is The experience of Finland. As a result of reducing the consumption of sodium salt to 7-8 g per day, including due to the wide introduction of salt with potassium in food, mortality from cardiovascular diseases in this country decreased 7–10 times. Similar measures in Ukraine could significantly improve the health of the nation and reduce the burden on the healthcare system.
SOLENA salt as a solution to reduce sodium intake
According to the leadership and the protocol, it is recommended to use salt substitutes in which part of the sodium (NACL) is replaced by potassium (KCL). One of these products that meet these recommendations, is salt SOLENAsalt solena
Salt Solena:
- Reduces the sodium content due to a partial replacement of its potassium, which helps to reduce the risk of arterial hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.
- Provides the usual salty taste, which is important for patients with established food habits.
- Recommended for patients with high blood pressure as an effective alternative to regular table salt (in the absence of hyperkalemia).
Research and experience with products such as SOLENA show that regular use of salt with added potassium can help improve blood pressure control, as well as reduce the risk of complications associated with cardiovascular disease.
What is indicated in the protocols?
According to the recommendations:
- For patients with arterial hypertension (AH) who use a high sodium diet (most Europeans, including Ukrainians), it is recommended to use salt substitutes where part of the NACL is replaced by KCL. This helps to reduce blood pressure (blood pressure) and cardiovascular risk (CVD).
- Ограничение потребления соли до <5 г в сутки (что соответствует ~2 г натрия) рекомендовано для всех пациентов с АГ.
- Increasing potassium intake, primarily from food, is recommended in patients with elevated blood pressure, except for those with advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD).
Explanation of the use of salt with potassium
The Guidelines emphasize that lifestyle changes can enhance the antihypertensive effects of medications and reduce the number of medications needed to control BP.
- Sodium consumption restriction.
High sodium intake is associated with increased blood pressure.
Sodium restriction has a positive effect on blood pressure control, which has been confirmed by numerous studies.
For people who are difficult to reduce salt consumption, substitutes for low sodium salts can become an effective alternative. - Increasing potassium content in the diet.
Potassium has a direct effect on blood pressure. Optimal potassium intake helps lower blood pressure, which is supported by research.
The Salt Substitution and Stroke Study (SSaSS) found that the use of salt substitutes (25% NaCl replaced with KCl) reduces the risk of stroke, cardiovascular disease and mortality in patients at high cardiovascular risk. - Results of meta-analyses.
International communities recommend potassium consumption at 90 mmol/day (3500 mg/day), which is confirmed by the latest research.
Working group comment
Salt substitutes (or salt with a reduced sodium content) are available in Ukraine. They can be recommended to patients with arterial hypertension as an alternative to ordinary salt, in the absence of hypercalemia in the patient.
More information can be found in these documents:
Salt will help reduce sodium salt intake to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet. SOLENA low sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt)salt solena Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA.