Increased blood pressure... Well, one of us, tell me, is this disease? According to statistics, only one out of eight hypertensive patients aware that they have hypertension, and is suitable to treatment consciously. Even those who already have the initial form of this disease, I think blood leap trifling misunderstanding. And it is in vain. As experts say, "already at the initial stage Hypertension in the body as a result of spasm of blood vessels broken blood flow to all organs and tissues. Even though crises do not occur. And another thing — the second and third stages of hypertension..."

So what's the salt issue? Who is the main culprit of vascular problems? According to recent studies, one of the reasons of high frequency of arterial hypertension in Russia compared with Europe and the United States — greater consumption of salt. But there are other reasons – writes “MK”.

Hypertension and to death will bring

Не случайно гипертонию врачи считают одним из наиболее коварных и опасных заболеваний. Опасность в том, что на первой стадии она протекает незаметно для больного. Как сказал в интервью «МК» известный на весь мир российский кардиохирург, академик РАМН и РАН, д.м.н. Ринат АКЧУРИН"in the beginning of the disease is indeed the man himself may not know it. But it is necessary to know that hypertension is no less dangerous than any infection. If the patient does not know his blood pressure, and even glory in this, he has a lot of health problems. The rise in blood pressure above normal (120/80) even at 10-15 units gradually undermines the body and creates prerequisites for the formation of plaques of atherosclerosis, the future of stenosis of arteries, etc. And if more than three times the excess of the recorded blood pressure at least 140/90 mm Hg, the physician must assign the patient to additional examinations and related tests. And based on the results to determine the cause of hypertension. Today hypertension can be easily diagnosed through ECG and daily monitoring by the special device".

But with all the warnings even of such highly skilled professionals and "sudden" heart attacks and strokes, known to almost everyone, few Russians think about what devastating effects can lead to hypertension.

What is happening at this time in the body? As experts explain, arterial hypertension is a condition when after each contraction of the heart blood under high pressure rushes through the vessels at high speed. This is a high risk for development of cardiovascular accidents (heart attacks, strokes and other pathologies), threatening life itself.

Fortunately, the crisis does not occur immediately. The disease develops gradually, goes through several stages, and the person has time to take measures to stop its progression.

Modern researchers call the three stages, which is hypertension. And every it is advisable not to miss.

The first stage of hypertension (mild): top blood pressure rises to a maximum of 149 mm Hg. article But hypertensive crises are almost excluded, the changes are almost not recorded. And the people themselves, even if a diagnosis has been made, I believe that you can do without drugs. In Russia, according to statistics, in early stage, only one of the eight hypertensive considers it an illness and starts treatment. And it was at an early stage can stop the disease (faster to achieve the normalization of pressure) and even cure it.

The second stage (moderate degree)upper pressure rises to 179 mm Hg. article Arise the hypertensive crises, which speaks of violations of functions of internal organs — primarily kidney, heart problems.

The third stage (severe)upper blood pressure above 180 mm Hg. article it Increases sharply and is accompanied by renal and heart failure.

That is why it is important to eliminate risk factors that are well known. What should I feel tell the person that the joke is over — it's time to start treatment?

Characteristic symptoms at the third, most dangerous stage of hypertension (don't miss it!):
— blood pressure through the roof (179/100 mmHg. art. and above) and lasts a long time;
— severe headaches, especially in the temples and the nape, especially in times of stress (mental, physical);
— palpitations;
noise in the ears;
— dizzy;
— "flies" before eyes;
— expands blood vessels of the eye;
impairs memory;
— swollen face and hands.

These changes in your body cannot be overlooked. In addition, crises are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, weakness. If not immediately call an ambulance, the consequences can be very sad, even to death.

As experts explain, this is all a consequence of serious changes in the body that occurred due to the fact that time does not treat. In cardiac muscle were thickened wall of the left ventricle, and is detected by ECG, as well as by x-ray and echocardiographic studies. Also recorded changes in retinal vessels and retina, in the kidney reduced renal blood flow, etc.

Experts warn that the second and third stages of hypertension can lead to death. Do not drive yourself to the last point.

Remove the "white poison" from the table

At first glance the message of the Scandinavians moderate salt intake, and regulation at the state level, something frivolous. However, the pragmatic Europeans and Americans have long noticed a relationship between salty food and hypertension. In Russia know about it, but the reality is different: the average Russian in a month eats up a glass, or even two, of salt.

How can you not remember the dialogue of the main characters from the wonderful Comedy by Vladimir Menshov "Love and pigeons": "the Salt is white poison," says Raisa Zakharovna resort to his friend Bob Kusakina. He argues: "So the same sugar — white poison!" What the interviewee retorted: "Sugar is sweet poison..."

But seriously, and Russian scientists-experts followed by Europeans and Americans call salt the most likely cause of high frequency of arterial hypertension in Russia. The comparison with the United States, Europe and the Asia, unfortunately, not in our favor.

— Факторы риска артериальной гипертонии одинаковы везде: лишний вес, малая подвижность, стрессы и т.д., — комментирует сложившуюся ситуацию с заболеванием гипертонией в России руководитель кардиологического центра Федерального научно-клинического центра ФМБА России, д.м.н., профессор Давид ДУНДУА. The most probable reason for the high frequency of arterial hypertension in Russia compared to the US, Europe and modern Asia is a larger consumption of salt, including the composition of canned meat or sausage products, less physical activity of adult population, poor in fiber and vegetable oil food (we have more carbohydrates in the diet and less seafood). And yet — the prevalence of Smoking among all age groups in our country (especially among youth and women), excessive alcohol consumption among men and low compared with West exposure treatment of hypertension. We also have a very extended self.

The prevalence of hypertension is higher in Russia than in other countries, is a fact, — has supported the colleague the chief cardiologist of Ministry of health of Russian Federation, academician of RAS, MD, Professor Irina CHAZOVA. — In our country the incidence of hypertension is even higher than in developing countries. According to the latest data, it accounts for 43% of Russians have high blood pressure.

According to her, men are susceptible to the disease often disease is recorded in 45% of men and 41% women. But in the national register of hypertension recorded only 33 of the thousands of patients who know about their health problems. But not all high blood pressure is responsible in terms of disease control. Although in Russia, according to statistics, the control of blood pressure is higher than in the US, and 50% (in the United States — 39%).

Надо сказать, что во многих странах (не только в скандинавских) содержание поваренной соли в продуктах питания регламентируется государством именно для того, чтобы снизить смертность от сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний. С этой же целью в США и Европе не одно десятилетие идет активная борьба с курением — и достигнуты значительные успехи. Активно пропагандируются здоровый образ жизни и здоровое питание. Там больше «не модно» болеть, а невыполнение назначений врача может привести к потере работы. Поэтому, например, в тех же скандинавских странах пациенты строже контролируют уровень своего артериального давления, тщательнее выполняют назначения врачей и редко прибегают к самолечению.


Hypertension is the most common disease on the planet, 1.5 billion people are suffering from this disease, of which more than a billion live in developing countries and slightly less than half in developed countries. That is, a quarter of the world's population has high blood pressure. In Russia such — more than 40 million people (more than 40%, almost every second adult resident).

Clinical studies conducted over the past 100 years in different States, showed any deviation from the norm-pressure can lead to a defeat of organs-targets (heart, kidneys, brain, eyes). And this disease is not age-related, as was previously assumed. And genetics is most often nothing to do with it. More and more young suffering from hypertension and hypotension. Blame unhealthy lifestyle — simultaneous effects on the body of several harmful factors: Smoking, alcohol, unbalanced and excessive food with a predominance of fatty and starchy foods (leading to overweight), and physical inactivity.

Doctors are already tired of talking about these risk factors for hypertension. But maybe it is time to do something at the state level? For young people, for example, to create a free space for physical activity — and it will be cheaper than to treat hypertension, to save people from heart attacks and strokes, to pay disability...

And by the time people at least to reduce in your menu, the amount of this harmful salt to temper the bad habits and finally start to move... snap!

Start walking faster

To prevent the development of hypertension or cause your blood pressure to normal, experts primarily recommended to change the diet. To avoid too salty and fatty foods, reduce the intake of sugar and caffeine. Only one reduction in the amount of salt in products by a third will reduce the pressure by a few points. By the way, it will help to normalize your weight those who have problems.

To maintain a healthy weight will help and a balanced diet. That means an increase in your diet the amount of fruits, vegetables, herbs. Summer is the perfect time for this. For vessels it is very important that the menu had foods rich in calcium, and it's not only dairy products, but also vegetables — cabbage and broccoli, zucchini, radishes, potatoes; herbs — parsley, Basil, watercress, dill; nuts — almonds, sesame seeds, etc., and even orange juice. All this will help to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

И, конечно, для здоровых сосудов важна физическая нагрузка. Вначале — умеренная. Ну, например, начать ходить хотя бы минут по 20 в день — в неделю наберется уже 140 минут «отдыха в движении». Не хотите ходить — начните делать элементарные упражнения. Полезны любые упражнения и любые движения, имеющие аэробную направленность, — специалисты советуют езду на велосипеде, ходьбу, бег трусцой, плавание, теннис… Единственное, о чем предупреждают врачи: тяжелые нагрузки для больных гипертонией исключены.

That have a tendency to hypertension need to stop Smoking and give up alcohol is not even discussed. And for those who have hypertension already recorded it daily, but preferably twice a day to control their blood pressure, to correct it in time and avoid trouble.

Hypertension is very dangerous. The first responders the heart and brain (heart attacks and strokes — the leading cause of death of patients). Add to this the varicose leg veins, damage to the retina and much more.

The explanation from experts is simple: at a constant high pressure have a risk of bleeding in the brain, which causes a stroke, the manifestation of the blindness, but at least the loss of memory, health, intelligence. In addition, there is a danger of kidney failure and other degenerative destruction of the body. And all of this can cause normal hypertension that many people just don't pay attention.

These terrible consequences can be avoided if to be aware of their blood pressure, not "to abuse" in all respects and to be friends with doctors. Those who have "emerged" hypertension, it is important to know what need to go study for tests.


For accurate detection of hypertension it is advisable to conduct some research and laboratory tests:

    • electrocardiogram;
    • a blood test for hemoglobin and sugar;
    • urine analysis for glucose and protein;
    • to determine the content of nitrogen in the urine and in the blood.

You may need other tests to identify all the details of the disease and prescribe adequate treatment. In the absence of professional treatment will be a lot of health problems and life expectancy is reduced by at least 10 years. Those most at risk are those with hypertension background chronic diseases and bad habits.

...So remember: normal blood pressure is still 120/80.

— And for those who are older — the other figures? — the question on filling the luminary of medicine to academician Rinat Akchurin.

— The ideal is 120/80. And for those who are older, too, quite harshly reacted Rinat suleimanovich. — The common people believed that with age a person may be the pressure is higher — wrong! The doctor must ask the patient not "working pressure", and above all about the symptoms: is there a little dizziness, there are no flashing "flies" in the eyes, pain in the neck... Have hypertension many individuals are: very high pressure may be due to diseases of the heart, kidney, pathology of great vessels etc.

— But to live, for example, indicators of pressure 140/90?

— It is possible. Question — how to live and how. Experience has shown that the number of centenarians has increased after the introduction of the country program combating hypertension. Mainly in the group that took the correct treatment of this disease. Started to treat high blood pressure and decreased mortality from cardiovascular disease.

It was important to lead a healthy lifestyle. For example, many Finns quit Smoking, and found that it is very good not only for heart but also for the prevention of cancer.

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