In Ukraine, more than 40% of the population have increased blood pressure.

70% of people high blood pressure is associated with excess sodium intake, because a high threshold of taste sensitivity to sodium (you have to desalinate meals).

The main source of sodium is the sodium salt, they have such names as stone, sea, Himalayan, salt of a grade "Extra" and others containing more than 98% sodium chloride.

In order to remove excess sodium from the body, people with high blood pressure prescribed diuretics, because sodium is mainly excreted along with the urine.

To lowering the threshold of taste sensitivity to sodium, and hence the normalization of sodium consumption and also to compensate for the deficiency Potassium in the diet, are salt mixtures of sodium and potassium. Such salt mixtures are called "Salt with low sodium, rich in potassium" (SNSK).

Low salt – low sodium salt with the addition of potassium

Use Low salt promotes easy implementation of the recommendation of the doctor to respect the salt (sodium) diet to normalize blood pressure.

Since 80% of the sodium salt contained in prepared foods, where it exceeded the norm by 2-4 times, the use of Low salt in food is the sodium salt will contribute to the normalization of sodium and eliminate potassium deficiency In nutrition.

Replacement of sodium salt in Low salt when cooking will reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular disease due to excess sodium consumption.

In Ukraine Low salt with additives of scarce nutritional minerals such as magnesium, selenium, iodine and other produced under the brand name SOLENA.

Ask in shops salt SOLENA.

Use SOLENA for a healthy diet!

Reduce the intake of sodium salt to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet will help salt SOLENA low in sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt). Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses