Salt World Awareness Week

World Salt Awareness Week

From 20 to 26 March 2017 awareness Week salt intake (Salt World Awareness Week). The event is held for the eleventh consecutive year, since activists World action of Salt and Health first aiming to reduce the consumption of salt in the diet of people around the world to improve the health of the population of the planet.

Awareness week salt intakeMany of us know that eating too much salt is bad for health. Thanks to the efforts of the food industry, governments and health organizations, the danger of excessive salt intake is on the agenda in many countries around the world.

However, we are still far from the global reduction in average salt intake less than 5 g per day, which means we need more effective action. Most prepared foods still contain a lot of hidden salt, even those that do not necessarily taste salty.

We are deprived of the choice to buy products with less salt, as manufacturers do not indicate the quantity on the labels of their products. For example, a huge number of harmful salts contained not only in crackers and chips, and all smoked meats, sausages, sausages, dumplings. A lot of hidden salt in cheese and even bread!

The organizers of the Week of understanding the consumption of salt appeal to all: to the experts in the field of healthcare, to government, to companies in the food industry – think with your heart, allow buyers to choose products with less salt content. Each of us can contribute to raising awareness!

World Week of understanding of salt intake is widely supported around the world. All countries are invited to participate, whether it be holding events, creating interest in the issue in the media, or raising public awareness.

In Ukraine, the global Movement of Salt and Health fully supports domestic company “VEND” releasing a useful alternative to conventional salt – food 30% potassium salt of SOLENA. Use this salt is recommended for adults and children, because it has the familiar salty taste, but greatly reduces your sodium intake, enriches the food deficit Potassiumimproves health.

Reduce the intake of sodium salt to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet will help salt SOLENA low in sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt). Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses