How to make people sick, and bring to a premature death?


There are many factors, how to do it. But among them, you can select one of the main.

Perhaps, few people pay attention to the statistics of mortality in Ukraine. Many people, mainly, pay attention to political events, various shows.

Here are the statistical data. 70% of deaths in Ukraine are deaths from diseases of the circulatory system. And one of the main factors - which leads to the disease of the circulatory system - is the excess of sodium intake and Potassium deficiency In nutrition.

World Organization of Health (WHO) recommends eating no more than 2 g of sodium per day, and Potassium - not less than 3.5 g per day. In Ukraine, these indicators have not been investigated by anyone, but according to the collected facts from different sources, the following figures can be deduced: sodium is consumed on average 7 g per day, and potassium 2-2.5 g per day. And this is with the norms of potassium consumption recommended by WHO more than 3.5-4 g and sodium no more than 2 g.

For this reason, Ukraine now ranks first among the 30 large European countries in terms of mortality from exceeding the intake of sodium salt, from which 80 to 100 thousand Ukrainians die each year. At the same time, Ukraine also ranks first in mortality from cardiovascular diseases among these countries.

To further increase the mortality rate in Ukraine, it is necessary to gloss over these facts, reduce the price of sodium and increase the amount of sodium in the finished food, because up to 75% of sodium falls on the table with the finished product.

In developed countries, everything is done vice versa. Laws are adopted, which limit the amount of sodium in food. When making semi-finished products, the sodium salt is replaced with potassium salt. They pass laws requiring the manufacturer to indicate the amount of sodium on the label, and in the catering establishments - in the menu. In shops it is possible to buy instead of cheap sodium salt - an expensive salt with potassium (salt with a low sodium content, enriched with potassium). For example, in Poland, this salt can be purchased from 3-4 producers, and the amount of potassium salt (KCl) mixed with sodium salt (NaCl) is from 30 to 70%.

Finnish school canteenThat is the path walked Finland, where since 1972 for 25 years operated a program "North Karelia". Since 1972, PanSalt salt with a reduced content of sodium and enriched with potassium could be purchased in stores. In schools and pre-school institutions, the salt shaker was removed from the tables, and instead of the usual salt, PanSalt salt was used. For the duration of this program, Finns have reduced salt intake from 16 g to 9 g, and this has reduced the death rate from cardiovascular disease by seven times and an increase in life expectancy by 13 years.

Every day in Ukraine died an average of 1000 people, 300 of whom die from excess consumption of sodium.

What's next?..

Reduce the intake of sodium salt to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet will help salt SOLENA low in sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt). Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses