How to lower high blood pressure without medication

Как снизить высокое давление без лекарств

How to reduce high pressure without drugs? To do this, there are several well-known simple recommendations. Follow them to maintain their blood pressure is normal.

1. Walking

The researchers found that people with high blood pressure due to walking, can reduce the pressure by almost 8 mm Hg. article. exercise helps the heart use oxygen more effectively, facilitating the work of the cardiovascular system.
But as you start walking, when you have more than 20 extra pounds? Exercise walk at least 30 minutes to reduce blood pressure. Gradually try to increase your speed or distance.

2. Deep breathing.

Slow breathing and meditative practices such as qigong, yoga, and tai Chi decrease stress hormones and help lower high blood pressure. Try to perform this simple exercise 5 minutes in the morning and evening to lower blood pressure: take a long deep breath, expanding the belly, exhale – relax.

3. Many fruits and vegetables

Eat as much as possible the rich Potassium fruits and vegetables are an important part of any program to reduce blood pressure, says Linda van horn, PhD, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor of preventive medicine in the School of medicine at northwestern University (Northwestern University) in the United States. According to her, you need to get from 2000 to 4000 mg of potassium every day.

4. Salts wisely

Some groups of people – older, with a family predisposition to high blood pressure – are more likely than others to increase blood pressure because of salt (sodium) in food. But since it is impossible to determine whether any person is particularly sensitive to sodium, everyone should reduce sodium intake in the diet – says Eva Obarzanek, Ph. D., nutritionist, researcher, U.S. National Institute of heart, lung and blood (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute). How much you need to reduce salt consumption? To 1500 mg a day if you want to lower your high blood pressure. Eva Obarzanek says that's about half of the average salt intake. (Half a teaspoon of salt contains about 1200 mg of sodium).

Wonder salt with potassium

Salt with low sodium contentTo normalize the consumption of salt and potassium in the diet of the Finns in the middle of the last century used giponatriemia salt with potassium. In the large-scale program of recovery of the Finnish nation "North Karelia"which took a special place to promote a healthy lifestyle using giponatriemii of salt and potassium in the diet and mortality from cardiovascular diseases has decreased by seven times. The average life expectancy of Finns has increased by thirteen years.
Lowsodium salt with potassium is produced today in all developed countries, and is offered as a healthy replacement of the usual 100% of the sodium salt.
In Ukraine the salt with potassium is also available in the market. Low sodium salt SOLENA domestic production composition similar to Finnish, and today it is sold in shops and supermarkets in most major cities.
Use low sodium salt with potassium to normalize high blood pressure and maintain health for many years.

Salt will help reduce sodium salt intake to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet. SOLENA low sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt)salt solena Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses