How to protect the body from cardiovascular disease?


The main cause of cardiovascular disease (CDC) is increased blood pressure. And the reason for high blood pressure in many cases is increased consumption of sodium, the main source of which is the usual sodium salt, which contains more than 98% sodium chloride (NaCl).

Sodium attracts water, pressure increases

Sodium attracts water, and since sodium is the main mineral of blood, as a result, the volume of blood increases, blood pressure (BP) increases. Regular excess sodium intake leads to hypertension.

We bring out extra sodium - normalize pressure

Treatment of hypertension is aimed at removing excess sodium from the body, and accordingly to reduce the volume of blood.

Therefore, in order to prevent CDC, sodium salt intake should be limited to the norm, as well as eliminate Potassium deficiency in nutrition - the main antagonist of sodium.

Prevention of cardiovascular disease

One such way of regulating excess salt intake, which has proven itself in Europe since the 1980s, is the use in nutrition instead of sodium salt mixture of sodium and potassium salts. The use of this mixture allows to normalize the consumption of sodium without changing the salt taste of food, reducing it by 30%-40%. This mixture will also be useful for a healthy diet.

Profitable and useful

In the current economic situation, such a replacement is also profitable.

For example, let's take the mixture produced in Ukraine as salt with reduced sodium SOLENAsalt solena

700g cans of SOLENA salt costing 50-60 UAH. enough for one person for 4-5 months.

And Potassium 700g of such salt contains as much as potassium in 300 bananas, 5 kg of dried apricots, 1,600 asparkam tablets.

That is to use salt with reduced sodium SOLENA as a source of potassium for 10-15 hrn per month is very profitable.

But the main thing - watch the blood pressure, keep it normal - it will greatly reduce the likelihood of having CPH and save your health for many years of life.

Salt will help reduce sodium salt intake to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet. SOLENA low sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt)salt solena Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses