What salt do we eat?

Какую соль мы едим

Salt - the necessary product consumption. Even the Cossacks went to the Crimea for salt, because it is not preparing any one dish without salt.

Chemical Formula NaCl salt (sodium chlorine).

Sodium is mostly in the blood and interstitial fluid. The amount of sodium depends on the amount of fluid in the body sodium is one of the important macronutrients, which attracts water. Therefore, the excess consumption of sodium leads to edema, disruption of the heart, kidneys, circulatory system, etc.

Sodium, PotassiumCalcium - the main macro-organism. In case of violation of their balance in the body there are a variety of diseases.

Previously, there were no refrigerators, so the products to store salted. And so gradually we got used to salty food. Without salt, food seems tasteless now.

What it has led: the amount of salt we eat, it has exceeded the recommended doctors the norm by 3-5 times. This means the amount of sodiumWhich is contained in the salt, and exceeds the norm by 3-5 times. While lower consumption amount of potassium recommended standards 2 timessalt solena

Here simple arithmetic - in order to maintain your health, you need to reduce the use of sodium contained in the sodium salt (NaCl) and increase the intake of potassium, which is contained in the natural potassium salts (KCl).

Therefore, people suffering from hypertension, doctors recommend reducing salt intake and increase potassium intake.

Today, this medical advice can be done without changing habits. Indeed, in the shops of Ukraine since 2014 you can buy salt brand SOLENA, which contains 30% potassium chloride (KCl) instead of sodium chloride (NaCl). This salt is also called giponatriemii salt, or salt with low sodium, rich in potassium.

In 100 g of salt SOLENA It contains as the potassium, as potassium contained in the 40 bananas, apricots 700 g or 1500 g raisins.

In European stores salt with a reduced sodium diet rich in potassium PanSalt appeared in 1972

At the end of the statistics:

  • 40% of all deaths from cardiovascular diseases are premature and related to excess intake of sodium;
  • Ukraine ranks first in Europe in terms of mortality from cardiovascular disease;
  • Ukraine ranks first in Europe in terms of excess mortality from the use of the sodium salt - kills about 100 thousand people a year..

Everyone lives as he wants, but there is a saying - forewarned - is forearmed.

Take Care Health - salt consume correct!

Salt will help reduce sodium salt intake to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet. SOLENA low sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt)salt solena Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses