Swelling is not a sentence


Facial swellingSwelling bothers people due to various reasons. Someone poured hands and swollen feet in the morning, after sleep, someone suffers from swelling of legs by the evening. The reasons can be multiple: pregnancy, cardiovascular disease, problematic work of the kidneys and urinary system, disorder of water-salt balance. All this has an impact not only on health – this affects appearance and confidence.

Why swollen?

The main cause of edema is a chronic illness associated with impaired metabolism and excretion fluids, hormonal disorders or improper diet.

In the human body salt and water balance is achieved by proper ratio in it salts and water. Electrolyte balance optimum concentration of sodium, Potassium and liquid. Increase or decrease one of the indicators entails a violation of, adversely affect health.

Diet for hypertensionThe excess of sodium salt (NaCl) in the diet is a leading cause in a healthy person there is swelling. The problem is that the source of sodium is not only pure salt. Many products have an overabundance of sodium chloride in stock: fast food, convenience products, sausages, canned vegetables. They are richly flavored with chloride of sodium, MSG and other sodium additives.

The consumption of excessive amounts of sodium leads to an electrolytic imbalance - displacement potassium, fatigue, increased blood pressure, fluid retention by the tissues, the result is swelling of the face and eyelids, swelling of the feet and hands.

Effective control of body swelling and swelling of the feet

So what is to not salt your food? Lack of sodium is also harmful, as its excess leads to swelling.
But could it be the lack of sodium chloride? For example, in 100 g of brown bread contains 1 gram of sodium chloride and 100 g of white bread contains salt even more. Even ceasing to preselvat food, with food in the body receives more than the norm (the norm according to the who of 5 g per day for an adult) of potassium chloride. At the same time the possible lack of receipt of potassium in the body. At norm of consumption of potassium (according to the who 5-6 g), a person consumes less potassium. Compare – 5-6 g of potassium contained in the 200-300 apricots or 600g of greens. If you calculate the average consumption of potassium a day, it would appear that this figure will be less than the recommended norm.

And when it comes to healthy eating means a balance of potassium and sodium in the dishes, preferably with a predominance of potassium. Therefore, to compensate for the lack of potassium in many countries of Europe in the sale of salt present with low sodium, rich in potassium. To preserve the taste of your favorite food and compliance with the salt balance to prevent swelling in the legs or swelling of the face, doctors recommend use a "correct salt", wherein sodium chloride content is reduced and the proportion of potassium, on the contrary - is increased.

Where to buy salt with potassium?

In Ukraine a wide range of salt with reduced sodium content and enriched with potassium trademark SOLENA. The use of SOLENA salt instead of regular salt not only compensates for the lack of potassium, but also will facilitate the withdrawal of excess sodium from the body because potassium is an antagonist of sodium.

Remember! The normalization of the use of sodium and potassium will contribute to the normalization of blood pressure and relieve swelling.

Salt will help reduce sodium salt intake to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet. SOLENA low sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt)salt solena Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses