Almost 70% of deaths of Ukrainians are from cardiovascular diseases. Finns gave valuable advice

Сердечно-сосудистые заболевания

According to official data of the State Statistics Committee, in 2016 of all deaths in Ukraine almost 70% of deaths were due to cardiovascular diseases. Such shocking information is published on the government website

The mortality rate in Ukraine

Thus, official statistics showed that the majority of Ukrainians die from high pressure, Hypertension, strokes, myocardial infarction, heart failure, angina pectoris, arrhythmia and other cardiovascular diseases. By these indicators, Ukraine has overtaken even such post-Soviet countries as Belarus and Russia.
It is also known that according to the number of deaths from diseases of the circulatory system, Ukraine ranks first among the countries of Europe. Such information was published by the World Health Organization. Also, according to this indicator, Ukraine ranks second in the world, behind only the South African Republic.

What is the reason for the high mortality rate?

In order to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and to protect themselves from premature death, it is necessary not only to give up alcohol, to smoke and to limit fatty foods. The World Health Organization, one of the main causes of high mortality and diseases of the circulatory system, calls food habits. One of them is consumption of a large amount of sodium salt and insufficient intake PotassiumThat has a negative impact on the state of the circulatory system.
So, on average, in Ukraine, salt consumption is ten to fifteen grams of sodium salt per person per day - even though WHO does not recommend consuming more than five grams. And the potassium consumption of the average Ukrainian is only 40% of the norm.

Health without costly - example of Finland

Ukraine is not the only country in Europe that faced the problem of high mortality from cardiovascular disease. In the second half of the last century, a similar problem was and in Finland. As a result of government programs "North Karelia", through measures aimed at correcting the eating habits, the Finns have achieved:
Reduction in mortality rates 7 times from cardio - vascular diseases
Increase life expectancy by an average of 13 years - from 68 years to 81 years

This was achieved thanks to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and the proposal to replace the usual salt in the diet with salt with potassium and a reduced sodium content. Such salt, consisting of a mixture of food salts of potassium and sodium, began to be produced in Finland since 1972 and was used in the diet of children and adults.

By replacing the common salt in the salt with potassium and sodium content reduced compensated Finns Potassium deficiency and reduced the intake of sodium salt from 16 to 9 grams per day per person. This led to the fact that the Finns began to die from cardiovascular diseases seven times less, and the average LIFE DURATION was INCREASED by THIRTEEN YEARS.

Salt with potassium in Ukraine

Following the example of Finnish salt, many European countries began to produce a similar salt. In Ukraine, this salt with potassium and reduced sodium content is produced and sold under the trademark SOLENA.
Hyponodium salt with potassium is more expensive than usual salt, but at an average cost of 700 g of cans within 50 UAH. , this salt will last for 5 months (at a consumption rate of about 5 grams per day), which is about 10 UAH. per month. If you take into account that in 700 g of such salt contains potassium as much as in 300 bananas or 5 kg of dried apricots or 10 kg of raisins, the use of this salt in food will be very beneficial.

Thus, without changing the way of life and replacing the common salt on giponatrievuyu salt with potassium, it is possible to preserve the health and prolong life significantly, as did the Finns.

Salt will help reduce sodium salt intake to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet. SOLENA low sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt)salt solena Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses