The use of salt SOLENA discussed at the international medical conference

Медики про соль для гипертоников

A diet with reduced salt intake helps to normalize high pressure and reduce the incidence of complications in patients with arterial hypertension. One-third to reduce the load on the cardiovascular system will help salt, enriched Potassium, which is produced in Cherkassy. This was discussed at the scientific-practical conference "Medico-social problems of arterial hypertension in Ukraine" held in Kiev. About it writes the Internet-the edition “Business Region”salt solena

In the report "Dietary management of hypertension", prepared by three doctors of medical Sciences, were analyzed the results of studies of the effects of excessive salt intake on health. It was shown that reduction of salt consumption reduces blood pressure and Vice versa – because of the high salt consumption (more than 6g) the risk of complications in patients with arterial hypertension.

In particular, the report cited a successful dietary model of Finland, which entered during the pilot project in North Karelia – instead of the usual table salt, the population consumed salt fortified with potassium. This gave extremely positive results: the number of deaths from cardiovascular diseases decreased by 7 times, and life expectancy increased by 13 years – from 68 to 81 years.

Also provided data showing Potassium deficiency in the diet – in Ukraine it is 15-40%. Therefore, replacement of common salt on salt with potassium contributes not only to reduce consumption of sodium, but compensates for deficiency of potassium.

В Украине соль, подобная финской, появилась несколько лет назад. Ее производит украинское предприятие под торговой маркой SOLENA. Этот продукт заинтересовал участников конференции. Ведь кроме полезного для сердца и сосудов калия солевые смеси SOLENA обогащены другими жизненно необходимыми микроэлементами в цитратной (биодоступной) форме: селеном, магнием, цинком, йодом, хромом и концентратом морской капусты.

Salt mix SOLENA with citrates of magnesium, selenium, zinc and chromium may also be useful for people with diabetes.

Salt will help reduce sodium salt intake to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet. SOLENA low sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt)salt solena Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses