The benefits of potassium for health


Chloride Potassiumor potassium salt, is a colorless crystalline compound of potassium and chlorine, which is widely used for the prevention and treatment of potassium deficiency. In the human body, potassium is an electrolyte, which is necessary for the proper functioning of all cells, tissues and organs. In addition to compensation deficiency of potassium in the body, and potassium chloride can also be useful for the prevention of and the fight against many diseases.

As the body uses potassium

QuestionAs the electrolyte potassium is a conductor of electrical impulses within cells and outside cells. Thus the nerve impulses to the muscles move as well as to other parts of the body. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, potassium is crucial to cardiac function, as well as to reduce skeletal and smooth muscles.

While potassium is widely available from dietary sources, with certain painful conditions possible large losses of potassium. Particularly large losses of potassium if you have diarrhea, vomiting, malnutrition, and excessive sweating. When this overabundance of potassium in the body is extremely rare.

It helps reduce blood pressure

Addition of potassium chloride in the food helps normalize blood pressure, said Dr. Lawrence Appel of the Center for prevention, epidemiology and clinical research at Johns Hopkins University. 1999 year in review in the journal clinical cardiology Dr. Appel said that supplementation with a moderate daily dose of potassium chloride reduce systematic ultrasonic blood pressure readings in patients with hypertension by 4.4 and 2.5 mm Hg. baluster respectively. High pressure reduction was even more pronounced in patients with excessive consumption of sodium salt.

It helps prevent stroke

Lack of potassium high blood pressureA group of researchers at Harvard Medical School and its school of Boston affiliate, Brigamskoj women's Hospital, conducted a study to determine the relationship between potassium intake and risk of stroke. In this large-scale study aged 40 to 75 years included 43 738 examinees who did not have diagnostic history of cardiovascular disease or diabetes. Scientists found that those who followed the diet rich in potassium, had significantly less risk to get a stroke than those whose diet had less potassium. Supplements of potassium chloride were also identified as useful for preventing stroke, especially among patients taking diuretics, which tend to wash away potassium and other minerals from the body. The researchers published their findings in the journal of the American Heart Association 1998 model year.

It reduces the risk of kidney stones

In the "Guide to food additives" author Benjamin Caballero, a professor at the Johns Hopkins University, cites a study has proven that increased intake of potassium is dramatically reduced the risk of kidney stones. Thus, women who took an average dose of 4.7 grams of potassium, had a kidney stone formation frequency at 35% less than women, daily consumption which was less than 2 grams of potassium. Just study involved 91731 woman.

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