Scientists call for legislation to oblige manufacturers to reduce the amount of salt in foods


Scientists from Australia, urging legislation to oblige food manufacturers to reduce salt levels in their content.
Experts at the University of Queensland came to the conclusion that the introduction of legislative restrictions will reduce the number of diseases caused by excessive salt intake by 18%, which is much more efficient than currently used methods of reducing voluntary consumption of the product. “If the responsibility of enterprises not working, maybe the government should think about the ethical side of the problem and intervene,” – said in an article published by the experts.

Here are the main diseases, the emergence and development of which a person directly associated with increased salt intake:

Hypertensionsalt solena excessive fluid retention leads to increased blood volume, and accordingly to increase blood pressuresalt solena
Alimentary obesity. Long known for the fact that salt retains water in the body. When obese people prescribed a diet of salted, they quickly lose their liquid 5-7 kg of body weight.
Diseases of the cardiovascular system and obesity closely interlinked, and high salt intake is one of the root causes of the development of both.
Urolithiasis disease. The use of large amounts of salt reduces the solubility of uric acid monosodium salt which precipitates and is involved in the formation of stones in the urinary ducts.
Oversupply salt is the cause oedemasEspecially among the older generation, kidney, pancreas, and a number of other organs and body systems.

Adults are advised not to exceed the daily salt intake rate of 6 grams - approximately teaspoon.

Australian scientists also analyzed the strategy of the struggle for a healthy diet, used in different countries.

Thus in Britain, France, Finland, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand there are programs in which manufacturers indicate on the packaging of the salt levels in products. This gives the consumer the opportunity to make a choice.

In Australia, there are also programs Tick (from the English. – mark “mark”), through which manufacturers can use a special logo used on products with a low salt content. According to scientists, the use of this logo reduces the level of cardiovascular diseases by 1%, which, however, is twice more if compared with ordinary informing of customers.

Experts from the British Heart Foundation, a charity that helps to Fund research related to heart disease – also believe that voluntary measures certainly helped to change things for the better, but more can be done. “Three-quarters of the daily requirement of salt already in the foods we consume,” notes Taylor.

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