Scientists have proven: salty in childhood - the cause of diseases in the future

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British scientists studied the foods in the daily diet of children and made a discovery: a modern children (from one year of age and older) are consuming too much sodium.

According to experts, excess of salt for children to eat even bread and cereal products, which threatens serious illnesses in the future.
It is known that the sodium salt in the diet increases blood pressure, and suffer from this not only adults. Because responsible parents should control the amount of salt products. When this doctors recommend replace common salt in a salt with a reduced sodium content. In Ukraine such salt is produced under the trademark SOLENA - 30% consists of the salt Potassium (Potassium outputs excess sodium from the body, daily needs for health and pressure normalization).

WHO recommends more potassium! The draft study, researchers analyzed the urine more trehsta observed in children whose parents waged a record of consumed products and their quantity. In the end, it turned out that the children of five to six years on average every day eat 4 grams of salt, eight or nine-about 5 g, and thirteen-seventeen-nearly 8 grams of salt! The specialists also determined that the boys are eating salt nearly two grams more than girls, and at the age of thirteen years, two and a half grams.

According to the analysis of food subjects salt prepared mainly from milk (11%), meat (19%) and cereals (36%) of product.
Parents are not easy to protect children from the consumption of foods high in salt. This can be achieved only in the case of cooking. Particularly harmful products, pizzas, sauces, sausage, and also loved kids snacks-potato chips, crackers, nuts.

The benefits and harms of saltBritish scientists recommend limiting salt intake of no more than 6 grams per day. But the Heart Association United States healthy salt consumption considered to 3.7 grams in adults and children (less than 1 teaspoon). According to statistics, about 93 per cent of children from the year consume salt above.

A large sodium salt content in food is directly linked to increased blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, even the annual children. During the study, scientists found that a large amount of salt in food increases the risk of early mortality.

Also previously it has been proved that the high content of salt in the food negatively affect the immune T cells, which fight infections and viruses.

Also, the high consumption of sodium salt due to the development of diseases such as multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases (asthma, eczema and others).

Salt will help reduce sodium salt intake to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet. SOLENA low sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt)salt solena Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses