The POTASSIUM salt is a delicious source of health and longevity

Соль калия

Did You know that the world health organization recommends that you consume at least 3.5 grams Potassium every day? For this you need to eat every day are rich in potassium foods like dried apricots (200-300g), bananas (5-6 PCs) or 600g of greens.

Do we receive POTASSIUM daily in the right quantity?

QuestionEven if you consider that potassium is contained in potatoes – we don't eat it daily in amounts capable of providing allowance of potassium, especially since almost all the potassium out with the water we pour in the cooking process.
Many people mistakenly believe that nedas over the summer, fresh greens provide your body with necessary microelements for the entire year. The fact that potassium not accumulate in the body (!!!), so we have to do it with food every day.

As proved by the doctors, the consumption of potassium less than 3.5 g per day, you increase the risk of cardiovascular disease by 20-30%. They say that if you have high blood pressure, it is possible to normalize it by increasing potassium intake and reducing sodium intake.

Ukraine is now in first place in the number of deaths from cardiovascular disease, and the number of deaths from excess salt intake. We do not get enough potassium and eat too much of common salt (sodium chloride).

Valuable Finnish experience

In the Finnish pilot project, improvement of the population "North Karelia”, который проводился на протяжении 30 лет, была найдена важная закономерность. Сокращение потребления обычной соли на 30% и увеличение употребления калия повлияло на уменьшение смертности от сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний в 7 раз и увеличение продолжительности жизни на 13 лет. Именно после успеха проекта “Северная Карелия” Финляндия из самой вымирающей страны мира стала превращаться в страну с наиболее здоровым населением.

Since the 70-ies in Finland and later in all the developed countries of Europe, there was a healthy salt consisting of a mixture of natural salts of potassium and sodium. Such mixtures in taste is no different from ordinary salt, but for the healthy functioning of the body they are balanced in the right proportion.

And what about us?

Salt whith potassiumIn the market of Ukraine there is a similar salt of a domestic production – SOLENA. It is a valuable source of POTASSIUM – as well as the Finnish, salt, contains 30% POTASSIUM salts, natural mineral, vital for the body.

SOLENA salt recommended for healthy people for a balanced diet instead of regular salt. And people with hypertension to implement the recommendations of the physician (reducing salt intake and increasing potassium intake) .

Also in the series SOLENA salt is salt enriched with MAGNESIUM, SELENIUM, CHROMIUM, AND ZINC designed for those who controls the blood sugar level.

In all advanced countries in shops available salt mixtures with POTASSIUM. For example, in Poland such mixtures are available from 4 different manufacturers.

The thing everyone care about their health, especially in our hard economic time.

Replacement of common salt in the diet salt mixed with POTASSIUM and trace elements will help to strengthen Your health.
Be healthy, live happily ever after!

Reduce the intake of sodium salt to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet will help salt SOLENA low in sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt). Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses