At the International Exhibition of the economic potential of Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus, which took place on 25-26 October 2018 in Gomel, Ukrainian SOLENA salt with a reduced sodium content was presented, with additions Potassium and scarce nutritional minerals.
The aim of the Forum is to present the economic potential of the regions of Ukraine and Belarus, the search for business partners, the development of new initiatives and forms of economic, investment, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation at the interregional level.
This innovative funuktsionalny product as a salt SOLENA relevant for Belarus as statistics show a surplus of sodium salt in a food average person Belarosi above the norm more than twice.
What is salt SOLENA?
Salt SOLENA - a functional food product. In SOLENA line includes salts and potassium enriched diet deficient in micronutrients bioavailable (citrated) form.
80% натриевой соли содержится в готовых продуктах питания, и это количество превышает норму в 3-4 раза. По этой причине целесообразно использовать соль SOLENA при приготовлении пищи для нормализации потребления натрия и дефицитного калия.
To solve the problem of excess sodium salt consumption WHO set a global goal to reduce by 30% the average salt intake in the population until 2025.
Scientific studies show that excess salt in the body can lead to diseases: Hypertension, Arthritis, rheumatism, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, kidney stone disease, thrombophlebitis, glaucoma, cataracts and others.
The results of the Finnish program "North Karelia"Lasted more than 25 years have shown that a reduction of sodium intake of 16 g to 9 g influenced the decrease in mortality from cardiovascular disease by 7 times and an increase in life expectancy to 13 years.
Useful replacement of common salt
Replacement of the sodium salt on SOLENA salt, potassium-rich, will reduce the excess of sodium salt intake and reduce Potassium deficiency and minerals in the diet. Is prevention of cardiovascular diseases, including arterial hypertension. This help in restoring acid-base balance and metabolism in the body.
and minerals in the diet. Is prevention of cardiovascular diseases, including arterial hypertension. This help in restoring acid-base balance and metabolism in the body.
Salt SOLENA will also be useful to people whose profession is related to the nervous and physical activity, leading to the loss of potassium and trace elements (athletes, military and others).
Salt will help reduce sodium salt intake to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet. SOLENA low sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt)salt solena Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA.