How to perform easy doctor's advice to people with high blood pressure

Как легко выполнить рекомендации врача людям с гипертонией

When increases blood pressure, we begin to worry and seek medical. Usually, the reception, the doctor measures the pressure, listening to heart, sending tests, and conducts other activities associated with installation of the diagnosis.

In 5% of cases the diagnosis is symptomatic, and the remaining 95% is essential (unknown) hypertension. This is followed by recommendations, prescription of medicine.

But still waiting to see a doctor, you can read on the poster, which is usually placed in front of the cabinet, where in the first paragraph of recommendations for hypertensive patients indicated to reduce the consumption of common salt, and the increase in fruit and vegetable consumption of the rich Potassiumsalt solena

If the doctor will not forget, it will also give such advice.

Why are these recommendations will be useful to you?

Yes, because no one thinks that we consume sodium salt of 2-4 times more than the recommended norm (5g per day)salt solena

80% of salts we eat with prepared food. Rest 20% salt we put in foodthat themselves cook, continuing to increase the rate of consumption of the sodium salt.

Therefore, the human body, leading a sedentary lifestyle, constantly spending energy on o excess salt. And excess salt intake leads to malfunctioning of the organism, and, eventually, to disease.

Particularly affected inner layer of arteries – the endothelium. It becomes less elastic due to changes in osmotic pressure, and under adverse factors, one of which is high blood pressure, may result in the destruction of this layer, which leads to the formation of plaques.

70% of all deaths in Ukraine - it is death, associated with circulatory disease.

That is why doctors recommend reduce sodium intake and increase potassium intake, so as potassium facilitates withdrawal of excess sodium excreted.

The world health organization (WHO) recommends to use Potassium not less than 3.5 g per day, and US Ministry of Health this rate increased to 4.7gsalt solena

3.5 g of potassium contained in 200-300 g of dried apricots - one of the potassium-rich products, or 600g of green.

It is clear, therefore, that we are not all consume the recommended rate of 3.5 grams of potassium per day.

In Europe, it is understood for a long time. The decisive factor was the example of the Finnish government program "North Karelia"Where reduction of the daily sodium intake of 16g ​​to 9 g contributed reduction of mortality from cardiovascular disease is several times with an increase in average life expectancy is 13 yearssalt solena

Results of the project "North Karelia" for the period 1970-2006 (per 100 thousand. population) among men aged 35-64 years
1970 2006 % decrease
Average annual mortality 1567 572 -63%
Mortality from cardiovascular disease 892 182 -80%
Mortality from coronary heart disease 701 103 -85%
Mortality from cerebrovascular disease 93 29 -69%
Mortality from neoplasms 288 96 -67%
Results of the project "North Karelia" for the period 1970-2006 (per 100 thousand. Population) among women aged 35-64 years
1970 2006 % decrease
Average annual mortality 526 256 -51%
Mortality from cardiovascular disease 278 46 -83%
Mortality from coronary heart disease 126 13 -90%
Mortality from cerebrovascular disease 68 12 -82%
Mortality from neoplasms 126 92 -27%

One way reduce salt intake was replacement of conventional sodium salt to potassium saltThat made it possible to simultaneously reduce sodium intake and to compensate Potassium deficiency In nutrition.

Salt content with reduced sodium, potassium enriched according to the program, has been introduced into the diet in all school institutions, as hypertension I have already begun to be seen in school age.

This salt mixture salinity did not differ from the usual sodium salt, so people with high blood pressure could easily follow the doctor's recommendations, which we have already mentioned.

Today, in all developed countries, salt with a reduced sodium content, rich in potassium, available to everyone.

Our product

In Ukraine this salt under the brand name SOLENA available from 2014.

Perhaps the availability of this salt will reduce the number of premature Death from excess salt consumption in UkraineWhich is about on today 2.5 - 3 thousand people per day.salt solena

Replacing conventional sodium salt on the table on salt with potassium SOLENA, we reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular disease. A striking example of this is the experience of the Finnish program "North Karelia".

One of the main advantages of the salt in our time - it cheapness compared with other foods containing potassium.

For example: 700g bank of SOLENA contains 100g of Potassium the price is 50 - 60 hrn, depending on the content of other mineral salts.

The same amount of potassium contained in 300 bananas, apricots 5 kg, 10 kg of raisins, 1600 tablets "Asparkam".

Replacing ordinary salt on the table for salt with potassium SOLENA, you hereby balance the sodium and potassium intake during cooking and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Salt will help reduce sodium salt intake to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet. SOLENA low sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt)salt solena Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses