How do water and salt affect health?

Соль, вода и здоровье

Many people try to drink purified water. They believe that water quality affects their health. Of course, we cannot but agree with this. And rightly so, because water is a food product no. 1.

Perhaps, there are products that have a significant impact on human health?

Turn to statistics.

Hypertension stage and extentStatistics confirm that the largest percentage of mortality, about 70%, Ukraine falls on mortality from cardiovascular diseases (CVD). At the same time, in different countries, in spite of the development of civilization, the cause of death occurs in 50% of cases.

Currently, the level of evidence-based medicine can be regarded as established that the excess consumption of sodium salt is a risk factor for CVD. It is associated with an increase in blood pressure, the incidence of stroke, total mortality, the extent of coronary risk, as well as with the development of cardiac insufficiency.

  • For reference: the rate of strokes in Ukraine on statistics in 11-13 times more than in Europe.

How to normalize your blood pressureIn Ukraine there are more than 14 million. hypertensive patients, and one of the factors of hypertensive disease (HD), as claimed by the medicine, there are long-term consumption of sodium at high doses, as well as inadequate intake Potassium.

As the main source of sodium is the sodium salt, reducing her nutrition to normal (5 g per day) and will factor in the normalization of sodium in the diet, and thus reduce the risk of CVD.

  • For reference: Ukraine occupies the first place in Europe on CVD mortality associated with excess consumption of sodium salt. During the independence Ukraine has lost more than 2.5 million. lives because of excess consumption of sodium salt.

As in other countries solved the problem of reduction to the consumption rates of sodium salt?

FinlandIn the year 1970 Finland and Ukraine today, headed the list of countries with high mortality. This fact has been declared a national disaster and demanded decision-making at the State level.

Adopted a programme to improve the health of the population "North Karelia».

Following are the results of this programme among men and women

The results of the program "North Karelia for the period 1970-2006 years (population 100,000) among males aged 35-64 years
factor 1970 2006
Average annual mortality 1567 572
Mortality from cardiovascular disease 892 182
Mortality from coronary heart disease 701 103
Mortality from cerebrovascular disease 93 29
Mortality from neoplasms 288 96
The results of the program "North Karelia for the period 1970-2006 years (population 100,000) among women aged 35-64 years
factor 1970 2006
Average annual mortality 526 256
Mortality from cardiovascular disease 278 46
Mortality from coronary heart disease 126 13
Mortality from cerebrovascular disease 68 12
Mortality from neoplasms 126 92

As we can see, the results are impressive. Still it is worth mentioning the fact that the average life expectancy for the period of this program increased by 13 years.

One of the main factors that contributes to the achievement of these results, it was to reduce consumption of sodium salt for an adult with 16 g to 9 g per day.

Reduce salt intake has helped not only propaganda, but also replacement of dietary sodium salt on Finnish salt salt is sodium mixture PanSalt and potassium salts at a ratio of 70:30. This salt is also called salt with reduced sodium.

Because salt salt with reduced sodium content is virtually identical to the sodium salt, this contributed to the easy transition to such salt in the diet.

Use of PanSalt instead of sodium salt helped Finns cut your sodium intake and eliminate Potassium deficiency In nutrition.

Following the positive experience of the Finns to reduce sodium intake, today practically in each supermarket major European retailers can buy reduced-sodium salt, enriched with potassium and mineral additives.

Salt with reduced sodium in Ukraine

In Ukraine reduced sodium salt is produced under the trade mark SOLENA.

Salt with low sodium contentSalt SOLENA is a mixture of sodium and potassium salts in 70:30 proportions, with scarce in nutrition of trace elements such as magnesium, selenium, iodine and others.

In 100 g salt SOLENA contains about 15 grams of potassium that helps reduce the potassium deficiency in the diet.

SOLENA salt can be used for both healthy eating and observance of salt (sodium) diet. Such a diet is usually prescribed by doctors for people with high blood pressure patients GB, people with overweight and in other cases.

Based on the results of studies it is known that 70% -80% of people with hypertension threshold of taste sensitivity to salts increased. The use of salt in the diet of SOLENA will help these people regain the taste threshold of sensitivity to salt, that will allow them not peresalivat food.

People, controlling blood sugar, salt with additives of SOLENA magnesium, selenium, chromium and zinc will help cut the deficit in food of these micronutrients.

Also salt SOLENA can use athletes in nutrition for restoring water-salt balance.

Where can I buy salt SOLENA?

Information on which stores you can buy salt SOLENA, learn In here.

Together with quality water use to save health and salt with reduced sodium SOLENA!

Reduce the intake of sodium salt to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet will help salt SOLENA low in sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt). Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses