Potassium is in balance with sodium protect against heart and renal disease

Калий помогает уменьшить сердечные и почечные заболевания.

Reducing the amount of sodium in the diet (ordinary kitchen salt) and increasing amounts of Potassium It may be the key to the prevention of serious chronic diseases - according to a study by American scientists.

Has long been known that reducing sodium in the diet is recommended to normalize high blood pressure and prevention of heart disease. However, researchers from the University of southern California found that increasing potassium is equally important to reduce risk factors for cardiovascular and renal diseases, as well as limiting the sodium, the source of which is common salt. Article about it was published on 21 February 2017 in the journal «The American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism»salt solena

Scientists Group performed over 70 studies related to dietary approaches to high blood pressure control, and found that the interaction of sodium and potassium is an integral part of maintaining healthy levels blood pressure. It was also found that a higher intake of potassium is useful for slowing progressive kidney disease and heart.

In addition to analyzing data on the Association of chronic diseases with the ratio of sodium and potassium in the body, the research team examined a strategy to educate the public about the importance of potassium for blood pressure control and cardiovascular diseases. Proposed actions for researchers include:
- the requirement for manufacturers to indicate the amount of potassium content on labels of food products;
- promoting low-cost and readily available source of potassium;
- encouraging family cooking with healthy vegetable dishes.

"A rich intake of potassium is a good strategy, as our physiology is optimized for consumption of potassium in large amounts, and sodium in small, often referred to as the Paleolithic diet," writes the research team. In other words, the human body works best when you establish a balance of the two nutrients – potassium and sodium.

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