Electricity for tongue
A scientist from Japan came up with a kitchen plug that slightly shocks every time she touches her tongue. In this case, language receptors perceive the resulting current discharge as something similar to salt.
As a result, fresh food seems tastier. The device is intended for people who are contraindicated in excess of salt in the diet - primarily hypertensive patients. After all, a high dose of sodium salt intake with a lack of Potassium in nutrition is an important factor in influencing high blood pressuresalt solena
Electricity to the spinal cord
A new method for regulating blood pressure using electric current is described in the Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research.
According to the study, light current discharges transmitted to the spinal cord lead to a change in blood pressure, the functioning of the vessels and heart of patients. Today, the development of the methodology is in the initial stage.
Very smart salt
To let an electric current through the body, even a small one, is an interesting but not practical undertaking. The Finns took a different path - at the end of the 70s as part of the regional program of improving the population “North Karelia”Began a serious struggle with an excess of sodium salt in the diet. Instead of the usual salt, the Finns recommended a salt with a low sodium content (consisting of 30% potassium salt). Even in Finland’s school canteens, suppliers were required to reduce the sodium content of foods using such salt.
The results became a sensation - the consumption of sodium salt per day by the population on average decreased from 15 g to 9 g (at a rate of 5 g - according to the WHO recommendation). But the most important thing is that simultaneously with a decrease in sodium in nutrition, mortality from cardiovascular diseases decreased by 7 times.
In Ukraine, a similar salt with potassium is produced under the SOLENA trademark today. About the benefits of using such salt told Yuriy Nikolaevich SIRENKO - chief cardiologist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (2005-2014), doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the department of symptomatic arterial hypertension of the State Scientific Center “Strazhesko Institute of Cardiology” of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.
- Thanks to such a product with a low sodium content, everyone can control salt intake ... The effectiveness of such salt mixtures in the prevention of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases has been confirmed by international practice.
SOLENA salt makes it possible to normalize the amount of sodium in the diet without changing the salt taste of the food, because potassium is also salty. That is, without affecting eating habits, we, firstly, normalize the intake of sodium in the body. Secondly, we replace excess sodium with a lack of potassium in the diet. Thirdly, we compensate for the deficiency of a number of trace elements ...
Salt will help reduce sodium salt intake to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet. SOLENA low sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt)salt solena Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA.