Can you live without salt?


Sometimes after hearing about the dangers of salt and people go to the extreme, trying to completely renounce salty foods. But whether to completely abandon salt? Despite the health risks of the abuse of sodium in the diet, the body cannot function without it. Due to lack of sodium even possible health problems. Sodium contained in common salt necessary for many vital functions, from the cellular level to control the nervous system. Sodium is a mineral needed by people and animals.

The membrane potential

Rejection of saltsSodium is vital for the proper functioning of the body. Sodium chloride and with Potassium responsible for maintaining electrochemical balance within the cells and the fluid around them, which is called the membrane potential. Nervous system, nerve impulses and muscle contractions are controlled by the electrochemical activity of sodium. That is, nerve impulses are controlled by the electric charge passed through the substance. Lack of sodium can lead to serious disease called hyponatremia. Symptoms include headache and nausea. If hyponatremia is not treated, it can cause seizures and even coma.

The volume of blood

Sodium affects the maintenance of blood volume in the body. The body maintains a certain concentration of vital substances in the blood and tissues. When you eat salty foods, your body retains water in order to maintain a constant concentration of sodium in the blood. Sodium is one of several chemical substances that affect the water balance in the body.

Sodium disadvantages

The chemistry of the body involves many complicated reactions. The relationship between sodium and calcium is no exception. If your food is high in sodium, you need to understand that the cost of a loss of calcium. Like sodium, calcium is essential for life. But the body will be forced to weaken the bone to release calcium in excess of sodium. Over time this can increase the risk of osteoporosis. A high intake of sodium increases the risk of other diseases such as stomach cancer and heart disease.

Consumption of sodium

While the presence of sodium in the body is important, excessive consumption can lead to serious health consequences. Sodium diet increases the circulating blood volume to the point where it can affect blood pressure. The more fluid the body retains, the greater the amount of blood the heart has to overwork. With a large amount of blood the heart has to work harder to pump the blood, increasing the pressure inside the blood vessels. Centres for the prevention and control of diseases in the United States estimate that people consume sodium in average two times more than recommended. At the same time on the finished products and semi-finished products account for over three quarters of salt intake in the diet of the average person.

Replacement of common saltSalt of healthy lifestyle

В мире давно ведутся дискуссии о вреде лишней соли и о способах контроля натрия в пище. Наиболее эффективное решение, по результатам многолетнего опыта, было найдено и внедрено в Финляндии около сорока лет назад. В программе оздоровления населения «North Karelia» предлагалась замена обычной кухонной соли на смесь солей натрия и калия. Это привело к уменьшению потребления натриевой соли в среднем с 16 г до 9 г в сутки на человека. В результате количество смертей от сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний уменьшилось в СЕМЬ (!!!) раз, а средняя продолжительность жизни увеличилась на 13 лет.
The "North Karelia" has shown that in order to improve the health of the population does not necessarily increase the amount of drugs and hospitals - to pay enough attention to such "trifles" like salt.

In Ukraine the salt, like Finnish, is available under the brand name SOLENA – she's as salty as usual, but where 30% of the sodium salt replaced by a potassium salt. Thus, in 100 g of salt SOLENA contains 25 g of sodium and 15 g of potassium, while 100 g of common salt contains 40 g of sodium.

Use nutritional "correct" SOLENA salt and stay healthy!

Reduce the intake of sodium salt to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet will help salt SOLENA low in sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt). Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses