Nestlesupported the call of USA Ministry of Health to replace the conventional sodium salt to potassium salt

В США заменили обычную натриевую соль на соль калия

One of the world giants of the food industry, the company Nestle, has joined the growing number of food manufacturers in the United States, supported the petition to the US Department of Health for permission to use the labels alternative name "salt Potassium"instead of "potassium chloride". This writes «Food Navigator USA»salt solena

The fact that the management of the Ministry of health of the USA on sanitary inspection behind quality of foodstuff and medicines (Food and Drug Administration – FDA) increased the recommended allowance of potassium in the diet with 3500 mg to 4700мг or more per day. As well as, caring for the health of the population in the fight against the consumption of excess sodium, urged food manufacturers to use potassium chloride as a useful substitute for conventional, sodium salt, and specify it in the composition on the labels.

Healthy food for Ukrainians

Heart failureAnd how affairs in Ukraine with excess sodium intake?

Ukraine ranks first in Europe in terms of mortality from excess sodium intake of salt and the first place in Europe in mortality from cardiovascular disease.

In Ukraine, on the excess of sodium consumption prematurely kills nearly three million people a day!

Despite this, we still have not adopted any laws or programs to reduce excessive sodium consumption by the population, the main source of which is the usual sodium salt.

If you have expensive health ...

Healthy family mealsStill today one can take care of their health, without waiting for Ministry of Health initiatives.

One method of reducing sodium intake - have the replacement of sodium chloride in a similar taste of potassium chloride (replacement of sodium for potassium salt), as did the company Nestle.

Such replacement makes it possible not only to normalize the sodium intake, but also to reduce Potassium deficiency In nutrition.

WHO recommends a daily potassium intake 3500 mg or more.

For example, the amount of potassium contained in the potassium-rich dried apricots (200-300g) or 600g of greens. But not everyone consumes every day is the number of products.

Decrease excessive sodium intake will use in home-cooked food with a reduced salt content of sodium, potassium enriched.

Salt with reduced sodium, rich in potassium, is a mixture of the potassium salt (30% to 70%) and sodium salt. Such salt under different brand names produced by many European manufacturers since 1972.

Substitution of the sodium salt in a conventional salt with potassium in the diet helps to reduce sodium intake without changing the familiar taste of food.

For example, in Finland for 25 years, with the support of the governmental program "North Karelia"Salt consumption decreased from 16 g to 9 g per day.

Which in turn influenced the decrease in mortality from cardiovascular disease by 7 times by increasing the average life expectancy of 13 years from 68 to 81 years.

Finnish school canteenIt should be noted that obtaining these results for reducing sodium intake is also facilitated replacement of the sodium salt in the diet to Finnish salt with a reduced content of sodium, potassium enriched, not only at home, but mandatory in schools.

In Ukraine salt with potassium and reduced sodium content is produced under the trade mark SOLENA.
SOLENA - a mixture of 30% potassium and 70% sodium salt thereof.

In almost all cities of Ukraine SOLENA salt can be purchased in retail chains (addresses of shops can be found
on site

Salt SOLENA required in almost every family, as has already in the finished food sodium content exceeds the norm by 2-3 times. Therefore, in the preparation of food to increase the amount of sodium is unwise.

Salt with low sodium contentSOLENA salt will also help to implement the recommendations of doctors to reduce the consumption of conventional sodium salt and increasing potassium intake for people with high blood pressure.

SOLENA salt can be used by persons involved in sports, including for the preparation of izotonikovsalt solena

In a 700g jar of this salt contains as much potassium, how much potassium is contained in 300 bananas, 5 kg of dried apricots, 10 kg of raisins or 1600 tablets "Asparkam". Therefore, at a price of about RS 50. 700 g jar salt SOLENA favorably at a price of above products and medicines.

Let us hope that in Ukraine, as in other developed countries, in the near future there will be laws and policies that regulate sodium content in foods that will help preserve the health and lives of millions of Ukrainians.

Salt will help reduce sodium salt intake to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet. SOLENA low sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt)salt solena Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses