One year of life for 100 UAH.


Why is it called the article, you ask?

Это утверждение основано на данных результата масштабной финской программы «North Karelia».

В результате реализации этой программы, длившейся более 25 лет, население Финляндии уменьшило среднее потребление натриевой соли с 16г до 9г в сутки.

Such a result is influenced reduction of premature death cardiovascular diseases 7 timeswhile with the increase in life expectancy on 13 years.

According to the WHO recommendation, the norm of consumption of sodium salt - marine, stone, boiled, etc. - 5g (2g of sodium) per day. Therefore, the Finns have the opportunity to further reduce salt intake to the recommended rate.

Одним из эффективных способов уменьшения потребления соли в Финляндии была замена натриевой соли на соль с добавками PotassiumIn the form of potassium chloride (30%).

Такая замена позволила не только уменьшить поступление лишнего натрия в организм, но и устранила Potassium deficiency In nutrition.

In Ukraine it is already possible to buy salt in shops with such proportions of sodium chloride and potassium chloride as 70% to 30%. Such salt is produced under the trademark SOLENA.

For one person, subject to the rate of consumption, the cost for salt SOLENA make about 100 hryvnia per year.

Replacing conventional sodium salt (sea, stone and digested, and so on) on SOLENA salt with potassium and reduced sodium content, you increase the likelihood of living longer, as it turned from the Finns.

Take Care Health - salt consume correct!

Reduce the intake of sodium salt to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet will help salt SOLENA low in sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt). Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses