Recommendations for people with high blood pressure

Степени риска и стадии гипертонии

According to the population survey, more than 40% of people had a regular increase in blood pressure. That's a high figure.

For many people, treatment Hypertension is to take drugs.

But the drugs treat the investigation, not the cause.

Let's deal with the cause of hypertension.

Here's what medicine says about it:

"Many pathophysiological factors contribute to the development of hypertension (hypertension of unknown etiology), which accounts for more than 90% of cases. Some of these factors include increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system, hyperproduction of sodium hormone and vasoconstraters, long-term consumption of sodium in high doses, insufficient consumption Potassium and calcium, and an increase or inconsistency in renin secretion, as a result of increased production of angiotensin II and aldosterone. ”

How to normalize your blood pressureTake one of the reasons - long-term consumption of sodium in high doses and insufficient potassium intake. And let's try to eliminate this cause. Perhaps this is the reason that is a factor of high blood pressure. Moreover, doctors just recommend hypertensive sodium intake and increase potassium intake.

These recommendations are also in front of the doctor's office and everyone can read them.

The main source of sodium in nutrition is regular salt, regardless of the place of its extraction, as it contains 97% - 99% sodium chloride (NaCl).

For the body is very important balance in the consumption of sodium and potassium, and potassium in nutrition should be twice as much as sodium.

According to statistics,

  • 80% of sodium a person consumes from ready-made food, the amount of sodium in which exceeds the norm several times.

Therefore, to reduce sodium consumption, you need to choose foods where the amount of sodium is minimal.

  • 20% of sodium a person uses during cooking.

Here, of course, you can reduce the amount of salt (sodium), but the food will be tasteless.

Potassium, according to the results of recent experiments conducted in Europe, is insufficient in nutrition.

How to be?

Food in FinlandFinns in the 70s of the last century, when faced with such a problem, found a way out - they started using salt in cooking, in which potassium was added instead of 30% sodium. It helped cut Potassium deficiency in nutrition and reduce sodium intake. Since the salinity of the food when using such salt remained the same, it was not necessary to change their taste habits.

Thus, they reduced the influence of excess sodium intake and insufficient potassium intake on the occurrence of hypertension.

As a result, conditionally, they reduced salt intake from 16g to 9g per day. This affected the state of health - mortality from cardiovascular diseases decreased by 7 times, and life expectancy increased by 13 years.

Salt with potassium for a healthy dietFor 5 years and in Ukraine produced salt similar to Finnish - it is salt with reduced sodium content, with the addition of potassium SOLENA. A 700g can of such salt contains 100g of potassium. The same amount of potassium is contained in 5 kg of dried apricots or 1600 tablets "Asparkam". Therefore, when comparing the cost of these products, the use of such salt will be beneficial.

Those who care about their health can use SOLENA salt for a healthy diet.

People who have high blood pressure can be guided by the “Salt Diet Recommendations” developed by the Association of Cardiologists of Ukraine and the Association of Nutritionists of Ukraine. In these recommendations, there is a clause on replacing regular salt with a salt with a 30% reduced sodium content, with the addition of potassium - such as SOLENA.

Salt will help reduce sodium salt intake to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet. SOLENA low sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt)salt solena Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses