Salt of healthy lifestyle


Many people good health is given at birth.
So why, with time, our health is lost?
Who can help us maintain our health?

Try to answer this question. Here are the possible answers – choose your option:

  • Doctors
  • Pharmacists
  • Pharmacy
  • State
  • A family
  • Ourselves

If we consider the issue of loss of health, the statistics show that 66-70% of all deaths related to diseases of the circulatory system. Not to get into this sad statistics, we need to pay special attention to the affecting factors of the circulatory system.

One of these factors is, the rise blood pressure. Here the view is known in medicine people are the same. They say that the rise in blood pressure above normal (120/80) even at 10-15 units gradually undermines the body and creates prerequisites for the formation of plaques of atherosclerosis, the future of stenosis of arteries, etc.

If you carefully consider the prerequisites of raising blood pressure, we will see that one of them is excess salt intake above the recommended norm (5-6g per day or a teaspoon), including salt in bread and processed, cured, smoked or canned products. And since many are accustomed to salty foods and exceed the norm in several times – this leads to a rise in blood pressure that can cause primary Hypertension and in the end leads to disease of the circulatory system.

Therefore, health experts say that if you reduce salt intake only a few grams per day, the number of strokes will be reduced by 22% and heart attacks - 16%.

Ukraine, the results of studies that you can learn from the omniscient Internet, takes the first place among the 30 major European countries on the mortality associated with excess salt intake, as well as first place in mortality associated with cardiovascular disease.

What do you think, is there between these two figures is the connection? And maybe someone will have a question – what to do?

Experience of Finland

Finns in 1972 found the answer to this question. Doctors studied the causes of diseases are found that one of them is excess salt intake by the population several times. So they invited people to reduce salt intake.

One of the proposed ways was to use food (instead of regular salt) salt with additives Potassium. It is not only compensated Potassium deficiency (10-40%) in the diet, but also contributed to a more rapid withdrawal of excess sodium from the body, but excess potassium is known to be opposed to the excess sodium is rapidly excreted from the body.
So from the beginning of 1972 produced the famous Finnish salt.

People not changing their lifestyle (salinity food was still there), replacing the regular food salt for the salt mixture with potassium was able not only to reduce the consumption of excess sodium, but also to balance the lack of potassium.

Who had problems with high blood pressure, so salt was easy to follow the recommendations of doctors to reduce the consumption of sodium salt and increased consumption of potassium.

Thus, salt with additives of potassium was one of the ways of reducing the consumption of the sodium salt of the Finns with 16 g to 9 g per day.
And as a reduction of salt intake had an impact on health, you ask?

Finnish experience Result

  • Mortality from cardiovascular diseases decreased by 7 times

  • The average life expectancy increased by 13 years – from 68 to 81 years

Based on the Finnish experience, in many advanced countries began to produce and offer the public a salt mixture of potassium called "Salt with low sodium content and enriched with potassium."
Every year the world celebrates "Week of salt". In those countries where we support "a Week of salt" during the week people explain about the benefits of salt, and about what harm it brings in excess of its consumption. Also in some developed countries there is a requirement to indicate on the label the sodium content of foods.

Ukrainian healthy salt

2015 salt with potassium became available in Ukraine. A line of salt mixes with potassium and trace elements brand SOLENA produces the company "VEND".

Также в линейку солевых смесей SOLENA входит соль с добавками дефицитных микроэлементов – магния, селена, цинка и хрома, которые особенно необходимы тем, кто контролирует уровень сахара в крови.

Солевые смеси с калием и микроэлементами, конечно, дороже обычной соли. Но одной банки солевой смеси SOLENA (700г) хватит в среднем на 5-6 месяцев на человека. При средней цене за банку (700г) около 50 грн., затраты для профилактики здоровья, составят около 10 грн. в месяц на человека.

Replacing ordinary salt on SOLENA salt with potassium and trace elements, you will be able to extend the healthy life, as did the Finns.

Reduce the intake of sodium salt to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet will help salt SOLENA low in sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt). Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses