WHO recommends using potassium salt in nutrition

ВОЗ рекомендует соль с калием

The European Regional Office of the World Health Organization has published the latest set of recommendations to help countries reduce their sodium salt intake to significantly improve public health, and to achieve WHO's global goal of reducing sodium salt by 30% by 2025. published on the WHO websitesalt solena

Reduce the number of cardiovascular diseases

It has long been known that excessive consumption of sodium salt (stone, sea, Himalayan, etc.) increases more than 5 grams per day blood pressureis a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, such as heart disease and stroke, and is the leading cause of death.

Reducing sodium salt intake by the population is one of the most cost-effective measures proposed by WHO. It is estimated that every U.S. dollar spent on sodium salt reductions saves about $19 by reducing disability and premature mortality.

Many countries have initiated national strategies to reduce salt intake in nutrition, including public awareness campaigns, reformulation and labeling of food on packaging. However, despite ongoing efforts, surveillance data show that sodium salt intake still far exceeds the limits recommended by WHO for health protection. In response, who's European Regional Office has prepared this support package to accelerate existing efforts to reduce salt intake, or to launch campaigns to reduce salt intake that have not yet begun.


Small randomized clinical trials have shown that replacing sodium salt with potassium salt effectively normalizes blood pressure. It is assumed that such a strategy is effective for the normalization of high systolic and diastolic blood pressure. This demonstrates a broader dietary approach to prevention Hypertensionsalt solena

In 2017, the United Kingdom Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition and the Committee on The Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, after a thorough evaluation of the evidence, concluded that at the population level, the potential benefits of salt use with Potassium helps reduce sodium in foods.

Useful replacement of common salt

In its recommendations, WHO points to the need to promote low-sodium salts, where potassium is replaced by sodium. WHO also recommends that states promote healthy eating through a healthy catering policy, as well as influencing restaurants and supermarkets.

A promising strategy to reduce sodium intake is to replace food salt (sodium chloride) with lower sodium salt substitutes, where sodium chloride is partially replaced by beneficial alternatives such as potassium and magnesium.

In low- and middle-income countries, salt substitution for more useful can be done with intervention in public health for both primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease.

In economically developed countries, replacing salt at home may be more appropriate as an additional measure focused on secondary prevention or high cardiovascular risk.

Where is it recommended to replace salt?

As a public health measure, salt substitutes may be used in foods such as bread, meat, cheese, soups, snacks and other foods that are widely consumed or have high sodium levels.

In countries where most of the salt consumed is added during cooking or with salty sauces, healthy salt substitutes can become readily available and promoted as a cheap way to reduce sodium intake.
Using potassium salt (and/or magnesium) instead of regular salt can effectively reduce sodium intake while increasing potassium or magnesium intake.

Salt with potassium in Ukraine

Salt, recommended by WHO, is produced today in Ukraine - it is SALT SOLENA, which contains 30% potassium instead of sodium, as well as nutritionally deficient micronutrients. With such salt, you can prepare the usual dishes with a classic taste, and the amount of sodium in them will comply with the recommendations of WHO through the use of salty potassium, useful for the heart, improving the body's performance and maintaining health. Where to buy SOLENA salt in your city - see on the manufacturer's websitesalt solena

Salt will help reduce sodium salt intake to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet. SOLENA low sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt)salt solena Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses