Use salt with potassium and magnesium-food hygiene, the head of the National Medical University

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According to who, each second inhabitant of the planet eating heavily salted foods. Meanwhile, scientists have learned that love for this condiment increases the risk of heart disease because it causes increasing blood pressure. Doctors say: if everyone reduced salt consumption by one third over the year in the world happened to be on 40 thousand strokes less!

-The mechanisms by which salt raises blood pressure, associated with its main ingredient is sodium, explains Head of the Department of food hygiene of the National Medical University Professor Victor Ciprijan. -The matter is that sodium ions increase the reaction of nerve endings, governing the clearance of vessels. People suffering from cardiovascular diseases, blood vessels and thus narrowed, and after taking the salty foods may occur their spasm that threatens to heart attack or stroke. In addition, salt retards the fluid in the body and this causes swelling and gives an extra strain on your heart.

Our body must get from food 5-6 grams of salt per day, and most people eat it at 10-15 grams. 80% of the daily requirement of sodium chloride we get from products bought in stores, such as sausages, corned beef, meat and canned fish, fish sticks, concentrates soups and sauces, bouillon cubes, chips, salted nuts. And if prisalivaem dishes, cooking at home, exceeding the daily norm in two-three times. However, even if you cook without salt, the body will come to 3 grams of sodium chloride: about as much as it is contained in a daily set of products. Unfortunately, most of us are so used to this condiment, that without it, even the most refined dish seems tasteless.

-Actually, salt is the culinary hammer, which drowns out the subtle flavours, explains Viktor Ivanovich. -Replace the usual simple seasoning can be complex. For example, pounded into powder dry algae such as kelp. There's a whole spectrum of trace minerals and iodine, which give dishes saltish-bitter taste. Now sells many different herbal compositions and mixes, flavor additives without salt. But here you need to. So, some of them contain gljutaminovuju acid, which in high doses not use future and nursing mothers, as well as adolescents. The fact of the matter is that it is converted into gamma-aminomasljannuju acid, which stimulates the central nervous system.

How to trick yourself and meet the "normative" 6 grams?

Remove the saltshaker on the table.

Buy less products that contain a lot of salt.

Make sure that the menu's fresh fruits and vegetables, especially lettuce, apricots, peaches, bananas. They have a lot of Potassiumthat helps lower blood pressure.

Instead of a table, you can use special salt for hypertensive patients, in which sodium chloride potassium chloride replaced partially and magnesium chloride. Potassium from the body excretes sodium and does not absorb liquid, and magnesium expands the lumen of blood vessels.

Replace salt dried herbs, roots and herbs, such as Mint, ginger, parsley, celery, onion, garlic.

Salads and fish to fill with lemon juice, and meat-sauce from the acid of apples and berries.

Reduce the intake of sodium salt to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet will help salt SOLENA low in sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt). Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses