How to reduce salt intake to normal?

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Many people do not even think about the fact that in their daily diet there is more salt than the body needs. At first, they do not complain about health, since the body easily copes with the removal of excess salt from the body. But over time, taste sensations can become dull, and there are some changes in the body, and then people start gradually salting the food. When the body can not cope with the withdrawal of excess salt, gradually begins to rise blood pressure.

Why does blood pressure increase?

Because excess salt attracts water, and since this salt is contained in the blood, the volume of blood increases. With an increase in blood volume, the pressure on the walls of blood vessels also increases. If the excess salt intake is regular, then the elevated pressure remains regular. Thus, hypertension can occur.

How to normalize salt intake?

Of course, you can reduce salt intake to normal. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), the norm is 5g of salt per day for an adult. That is, if in Ukraine the average salt intake is 15g or more per person, it is necessary to reduce salt intake by 2-3 times.

There is another way - it is a replacement in the diet of ordinary salt, salt with a reduced content of sodium, the main component of salt that attracts water, Potassium.

So the Finns began to do, starting in 1972.

Today, salt with reduced sodium content and potassium supplement is sold in all major European and global retail chains.

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According to the WHO recommendation, potassium intake per adult should be at least 3.5 g per day (3.5 g is contained in about 600-700g of green). According to studies, in Europe, the average consumption of potassium is about 3 g per day per person. That is observed Potassium deficiency In nutrition.

Potassium also contributes to the removal of excess sodium from the body.

Potassium is a useful substitute for sodium.

Therefore, if it is impossible to extract salt, which is contained in the finished products and exceeds the norm several times, then when cooking food, you can use salt with a reduced sodium content with the addition of potassium.

In Ukraine, this salt is produced under the trademark SOLENA. SOLENA is a salt in which 30% of sodium is replaced by potassium.

Using SOLENA instead of regular salt will reduce sodium intake and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet.

Salt SOLENA is used for healthy eating. It allows you to maintain normal body water-salt balance.

Also such salt recommend using in a salt diet, the Ukrainian Association of Cardiologists and the Ukrainian Association of Nutritionists.

Reduce the intake of sodium salt to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet will help salt SOLENA low in sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt). Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses