How to beat hypertension


There comes a time when each of us begins to think about his health, analyze the main factors that affect health.

When we learn that the greatest harm to health is caused by cardiovascular diseases (GSD), and that about 80% of all deaths in Ukraine account for the GCC (approximately 500,000 deaths per year)... Question:

How do we avoid the grief and suffering that the GCC brings?

In many cases, GSS and other health problems are associated with high blood pressure (more than 130 mmHg).

With age, the number of people with high blood pressure (AD) becomes more and more, they have to normalize their blood pressure with tablets.

Increased blood pressure leads to strokes, heart attacks, heart and kidney failure, blindness and other diseases.


One of the recommendations of doctors to normalize blood pressure is to reduce to the norm the consumption of sodium salt - the main source of sodium in the diet.

The amount of sodium in the diet depends on blood pressure.

How is sodium content regulated in the body?

The sodium content in the body is monitored by the kidneys. When it is not enough, they stock it, and when a lot - remove the excess with urine.

If for some reason the kidneys do not cope, sodium begins to accumulate in the blood. And as it attracts and holds water, the volume of blood increases, the load on the heart increases, increases blood pressure.

Some people's organisms are more sensitive to sodium than others. If your body is sensitive to sodium, it will be easier to hold sodium, which will lead to fluid retention and high blood pressure.

The accumulation of excess sodium is also facilitated by Potassium deficiency In nutrition.

In Ukraine, the majority of the population exceeds the consumption of sodium salt almost 3 times, and potassium consumes 1.5 times less than the norm.

According to STEPS studies, first conducted in Ukraine in 2019, 85% of the population has daily consumption:

Salts Sodium 12.6g - 2.5 times Above (5g),
Potassium 2.5g - 1.5 times Below (3.5g).

STEPS in Ukraine

  • Steps research conducted in Ukraine for the first time (published WHO).

Since sodium and potassium are the main macronutrients of water-salt exchange, it can be concluded that 85% of the population of Ukraine, according to steps research, is impaired water-salt exchange. Such a violation in many cases is the cause of increased blood pressure.

How can sodium intake be reduced to normal and potassium deficiency in nutrition reduced?

Let's take a look at two often recommended methods.

First way:

Reduce the amount of sodium salt in the diet and increase the intake of potassium-rich fruits and vegetables (such recommendations can be seen at the stands in clinics and hospitals).

Water-salt exchange is restored.

- the usual salt taste of food is lost;
Increased consumption of potassium-rich fruits and vegetables (dried apricots, raisins, bananas, etc.) may also increase the intake of sugars in these foods. These sugars may be superfluous to the body.

The second method:
Replace sodium salt with salt, which contains 70% sodium salt and 30% potassium salt. This salt is called salt with reduced sodium content.

Water-salt exchange is restored;
- the usual salt taste of food is preserved.

When You will start to use salt in nutrition With reduced sodium content, it will also restore salt sensitivity, so some foods will even seem oversalted to you.

What how do you choose?

For example, the Finns, when faced with a similar situation, as in Ukraine, they adopted a program to improve the population "North KareliaNorth Karelia

and started using the 2nd way.
As a result, the Finns reduced their sodium salt intake to 7g per day.

See the full report In here.
Given the Finnish experience, the World Health Organization (WHO) calling on European countries сократить потребление соли 25% sodium by 2025, to carry out this tasks recommend using in food production, salt with reduced sodium content with potassium supplementation (published WHO).

Is salt produced in Ukraine with reduced sodium content?

In the Ukraine salt with reduced sodium content is produced under trade SOLENA (name reflects the taste of salt).

The SALT of SOLENA differs from other salts by the fact that SOLENA salt contains 30% less sodium salt - instead of 30% potassium salt added.

Solena - healthy salt
Solena - healthy salt

Among the lineup SOLENA salts produced there salts with supplementation of micronutrients deficient in nutrition, such as magnesium, selenium, iodine, zinc, chromium.

You can choose solena salt as in composition, and in largeness.

Assortment of salt SOLENASOLENA salt is the cheapest source of potassium in nutrition.

700g SALT cans enough 4-5 months for one person.

It contains as much potassium as potassium is contained in:
300 bananas,
5 kg of dried apricots,
10 kg of raisins
1,600 Aspartame tablets.

There are other ways Reducing salt intake Sodium.
Any way to preserve and improve your health, you need to bring back to normal the water-salt metabolism of the body and eventually evaluate the result.
Be healthy and keep your measure in sodium and Potassium!

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Reduce the intake of sodium salt to normal and reduce potassium deficiency in the diet will help salt SOLENA low in sodium (70% sodium salt, 30% potassium salt). Click to see where to buy salt SOLENA. Shopping addresses