STEPS - prevalence of risk factors for noncommunicable diseases. Ukraine, 2019


In Ukraine, as in other countries, noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) remain the leading cause of morbidity, disability and premature mortality. The most effective way to reduce the burden of NCDs is to prevent their development by addressing the behavioral risk factors that cause NCDs at the general population and individual level: smoking, drinking alcohol, excessive salt intake, lack of physical activity, being overweight and obesity, and unhealthy diets.

In Ukraine, a national study on the prevalence of major NCD risk factors was conducted in 2019, in line with the WHO-approved Phased Surveillance Approach (STEPS). The results of the study will help to form an objective view on the current situation of the prevalence of NCD risk factors among the adult population of the country and determine approaches to the prevention and control of NCDs in Ukraine in the coming years.

According to the results of the STEPS 2019 study, Ukrainians use sodium salt 12.6per day is almost three times the normWHO recommended (5g). At the same time, consume Potassium about 2,5per day is almost one and a half times less than the normWHO recommended (3.5g).

Reduce sodium intake and compensate for the lack of potassium in the diet of Ukrainians, like Finlandcan help replace regular salt on salt with potassium SOLENAthat responds to its characteristics WHO recommendationsAnd "Recommendations on salt diet" Associations of cardiologists and the Association of Nutritionists of Ukraine.

Excerpts from the STEPS results report in Ukraine










Full version of the STEPS study results In heresalt solena

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